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They get into water through runoff from fertilizers.

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Q: How do phosphates get into water supply?
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Happens to the phosphates when plants and animals die?

Phosphates are returned to the water when plants and animals die.

Do plants absorb phosphate from the soil or from water?

It is absorbed from the soil. There are no phosphates in water, though water can help phosphates and other nutrients enter the roots of plants.

My pond holds 50 tons of fresh water for kois . Phosphate level measured was 8ppm from 2ppm amonth ago .What can cause the phosphate level in a pond water to increase?

Phosphates originate externally from decomposing organics, feeds or the water supply. They are not generated internally, however they can increase via rooted vegetation deriving existing phosphates from the sediments.

How do you test for nitrates and phosphates in water?

For phosphates you can use molybdate solution but be careful it contains sulfuric acid.

Do phosphates pollute your water ecosystem?


What is phosfree?

Phosfree is said to remove phosphates from pool water which is then cleaned out with the regular filter clean or backwash. reducing phosphates in water reduces the posibility of algae in pools.

How does Phosphates get into the water?

Most phosphates now found in water got there either from detergents or fertilizers used on crops. Detergents as a source of phosphates has been significantly reduced in recent years by changes to the formulations of most household detergents used in developed countries, but continues to be a problem in many third world countries. The phosphates enter the water from the sewage from homes and from runoff from fertilized crops.

How does phosphates get into water?

Most phosphates now found in water got there either from detergents or fertilizers used on crops. Detergents as a source of phosphates has been significantly reduced in recent years by changes to the formulations of most household detergents used in developed countries, but continues to be a problem in many third world countries. The phosphates enter the water from the sewage from homes and from runoff from fertilized crops.

What can you do about eutrophication?

Try to stop phosphates and nitrates entering the water

How do phosphates affect oxygen levels in water?

By eating chickens

What does phosphate measure?

phosphates actually mesure the dirtiness of the water