

How do plants get water carbon dioxide and energy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do plants get water carbon dioxide and energy?
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How do plants take CO2 gas from air?

Plants do not get energy from carbon dioxide. They get energy from sunlight and the electrons in water.

Do plants' leaves absorb carbon dioxide?

Yes. Plants carry out photosynthesis which uses the energy of sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen.

Why can scientists get energy from plants?

because there's water and oxygen and carbon dioxide in them.

What is 4 things that plants need for photosynthesis?

Light, Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Chlorophyll

Are organisms such as algae and plants that absorb sunlight and use its energy to make food molecules using carbon dioxide and water?

Yes, organisms like algae and plants that absorb sunlight and use its energy to make food molecules are called autotrophs. Through a process called photosynthesis, they combine carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

Why carbon dioxide good for plants?

Carbon dioxide allows plants to undergo the process photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide and water are turned into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Glucose is converted into ATP (energy) by the plant. The energy is used to conduct cellular processes.

Do plants convert the energy of sunlight into carbon dioxide and water?

No. (This is just a bad multiple choice distractor.)Plants convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen using the energy of sunlight.

What do plants use to make photosynthesis?

the sun's energy Also Carbon Dioxide And Water

What are the things needed by plants to do photosynthesis?


What two things do plants produce?

Plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis, using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. They also produce fruits, which contain seeds for reproduction and dispersion.

What do the chloroplasts a green plants use carbon dioxide four?

The chloroplasts trap sunlight energy and use this to turn Carbon Dioxide and Water into Sugar.

Where do plants in the ocean get carbon?

Carbon Dioxide dissolves in ocean water. Plants in the ocean use the carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean water.