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Plants store nutrients inside of their cells. They store nutrients so that they can use them later when nutrients are less plentiful.

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As chemical energy in the form of sugars and starch

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Q: Where are the nutrients stored in a plant?
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Where water is stored in cactus plant?

In the stems. It grows it's roots far out to get nutrients and water from the soil.

Why do cotyledons become smaller as the plant grows?

The plant uses up the nutrients stored in the cotyledons, they become smaller and eventually drop off once the plant is able to produce food for its self

Where are nutrients in the ocean stored?

In the ocean, the nutrients are stored beneath the sea rocks and in the ocean water.

Where is food stored after nutrients have been removed?

Food that has had all of its nutrients removed is stored in the colon and rectum until it is defected out.

Why are decomposers like natures recyclers?

Decomposers are like natures recyclers because they release nutrients stored in the dead plant or animal so that growing plants can use the nutrients to make more food.

Where in body are nutrients stored?

i think it depends on what type of nutrients it is eg. fat is stored in different places to carbs and proteins, etc.

Wherte are the nutrients ocean stored?

The nutrients of the ocean is stored in the ocean water and on the rocks beneath the sea bed.

Why cotyledon becomes smaller when a bean seed germinates?

The plant uses up the nutrients stored in the cotyledons, they become smaller and eventually drop off once the plant is able to produce food for its self

Why are foods stored in plant?

they are stored in plant because some food has to grow.

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Glucose is stored as this in a plant?

its stored as sugar

Where are nutrients accumulated or stored for short or long periods?

Nutrients spend different amounts of time in storeswithin the atmosphere, oceans, and land. Nutrients are stored for short periods of time in short-term stores, and are stored for long periods of time in longer-term stores.