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Q: How do plants transmit information from cell to cell?
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Summarize the role of nucleic acids in a cell?

nucleic acids store and transmit hereditary information

What is the Cell that receives and transmit information?

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How do chromosomes transmit from cell to cell in the somatic cell?

A somatic cell is a cell that reproduces by mitosis. Therefore, a somatic cell transfers its information (in the chromosomes) by producing two daughter cells.

What molecule is used to transmit information?

The Nucleus {nucleolus} carries the genetic information of he cell, also called the DNA.

Does the nucleus gives instructions to the cell?

The nucleus knows how to direct the cell through the help of DNA which carries information. The nucleotides are used to transmit information within the cell.

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Do dendrites transmit infromation away from the cell body towards other neurons or to the muscles and glands?

For a long time it was thought that dendrites only RECEIVE information. But it is true that they actually release chemical transmitters and can thus transmit information to another neuron, muscle, or gland.

Do carbohydrates store and transmit hereditary information?

No, carbohydrates do not store or transmit hereditary information. Hereditary information is stored and transmitted in the form of DNA, which is a molecule made up of nucleotides, not carbohydrates.

Where do plants store their genetic information?

Genetic information is contained in the chromosomes which are found in the nucleus of the plant cell

How does cell phones cause radiation?

Cell phones are small radios, that both transmit and receive. When they transmit they emit radio waves, which is a kind of radiation.

Which sentence best describes the function of nucleic acids?

They carry information for building and maintaining structures. The cell derives much of its identity from the nucleic acids.