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During photosynthesis, the chloroplasts use sunlight and water to produce glucose, a sugar used for food. (By making its own food, this plant would be an autotroph.)Once the lighte energy is converted into fuel energy, the cell may use it, or it might be taken to the mitochondria, which then convert it into chemical energy for the cell to use.

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11y ago

They Hook themselves to a Glucoseatron and it sucks the energy out of them by processing their glucose. However this can leave the plant very canibalistic, and there have been cases of plants eating their neighbors seeds shortly after using the Glucoseatron. Hope this helped

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11y ago

When plants are first germinating, they store their energy in the cotyledons (monocotyledons (one leaf)/dicotyledons(two leaves)) which are the first leaves, until the first True leaves appear which is when the plant can begin photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is how plants obtain energy by taking CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), and energy from sunlight plus chlorophyll in the leaves (a colour pigment giving the green appearance) to create the products oxygen and glucose (sugar/ C6H12O6).

This is how we get oxygen to breath. The glucose is translocated in the phloem to the plumule (Shoot) tip and radical (root) tip and used in growth.

Basically once photosynthesis begins, it doesn't need the use of the Cotyledons as it can create the energy faster than its used (in respiration).

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By cellular respiration.

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Q: How do plants use the energy stored in food?
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What process which is the opposite of photosynthesis enables plants to use the energy in food?

Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis, and organisms use it to release the energy stored in food.

What is used by plants to make food?

Plants use carbon dioxide, light, and water to produce (photosynthesise) "food" in the form of simple sugars - basically glucose. These sugars are normally stored as starch and are a form or chemical energy

What do plants do with stored starch?

They use it for respiration to release energy.

Is the energy stored in food heat energy?

Energy is stored in many ways. Energy is stored in food. We eat the food to get energy. Energy can also be stored in other ways, such as batteries.Sources of stored energy take many forms like food, fuel and batteries. All energy on the Earth comes from the Sun.Heat from the sun warms everything on the Earth. Light and heat are forms of energy, which come directly from the Sun. Plants, use the energy from sunlight to make food. Energy from the sun is stored in leaves, stems, roots and fruits. When an animal eats plants it gets the energy stored inside the plant.Animals eat plants and get the energy stored in plant tissues. They utilize this energy for various activities like running, climbing, hunting and keeping warm. Food we eat contains energy to power our bodies.Fuels such as oil and coal contain huge amounts of energy. Energy released from these fuels, wind and water can be changed into electricity. Energy is needed for almost all activities that make up our lives.thank u . . :-)

What does plants use starch for?

stored energy

What energy do plants use to produce their food?

Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to convert light energy, usually in the form of solar energy from the sun, into chemical energy that is stored in carbohydrate molecules.

Plants use energy in what to make food?

Plants use the energy in sunlight to make food

Where does the energy come from that drives cell metabolism?

Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.Plants and some algae get their energy from the Sun. Most other living beings (including us humans) get their energy from plants. Energy is stored as chemical energy, which we use. Plants use chemical energy, too, as energy storage.

Where is the energy stored when plants convert light energy into energy that plants can use?

In chemical bonds, in the molecule that we call Sugar.

How does the sun's energy get stored in food?

Plants capture solar energy through photosynthesis and use it to produce simple carbohydrates it uses to grow. Farm animals consume plants, and metabolize the carbohydrates created by the plant and grow themselves. For this reason, solar energy powers the food chain.

Where do plants get energy to make starch?

Plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into usable energy, stored in ATP, NADPH, and glucose.

Name the energy transfer process plants use to convert the sun's energy into stored chemical energy?
