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My answer based on experience: I have had baby platys and what I do is have lots of fake plants which are the cheapest floating around on the surface of the tank for them to hide in. Also when you feed your bigger fish crumble up little flakes and sprinkle them over the little plants for the little babies.

Most people would tell you to go buy collinders or separate the mom from the babies if you do my answer then you will save LOADS of money and it works

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12y ago
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9y ago

The same as you do with adults. Some people buy fry food specifically. I just crumble adult food. It does just as much good. Everything else is the exact same as caring for adults. you can leave them in the tank to fend for them selves and let the weak be eaten, or raise all of them in a different tank.

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12y ago

Platies are quite an easy species of fish to take care of. They aren't a very demanding species and are quite hardy, coping with the majority of things they are given. The following is a checklist of what you should do in order to ensure that your platies live happy lives:

1) Keep your water quality good.

This means keeping the pH neutral to slightly alkaline like they like it, making sure the ammonia and nitrite levels are at zero, and changing, at the very least, at least twenty to thirty percent of the water each week.

2) Clean everything on a regular basis.

Clean everything in your aquatic community on a regular basis. This includes cleaning your filter monthly, cleaning your gravel when needed, changing the water, at the very least, twenty to thirty percent each week. This also means cleaning any decorations and plants in your tank.

3) Keep a limited amount, depending on the size of your aquarium.

The reason I include this rule is because of how quickly they breed. They aren't guppies, but they can have a huge amount of babies overnight, and if you already keep a lot of platies in your tank, it could become overcrowded and cause stress, death, and sickness. If you have a twenty gallon aquarium, I wouldn't suggest keeping forty five platies in there. I, personally, have a twenty five gallon aquarium, and I keep no more than ten to fifteen platies at a time, because I know how quickly they breed. Note: That doesn't mean keeping one platy! You should keep them in groups of at least five, but don't overcrowd.

4) Feed them a nutritional diet.

When it comes to food, platies most certainly aren't demanding, but if you feed them a varied diet, they can really thrive. This includes flakes, brine shrimp, bloodworms, beef heart, etc.

5) Keep a careful amount of females and males.

This means keeping, at the very least, two females to every male in your aquarium. If you keep one female and one male, the male will bully the female into breeding and cause the female unnecessary stress, sickness, and possibly death.

6) Do research.

There's only so much information this article can provide, so you have to go out and learn what else your platies require. Read articles on the internet, ask questions like this one, and read plenty of books.

Good luck with platy keeping!


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11y ago

As a rule when I breed guppies, platys and mollies (live bearers) I keep a couple separate tanks set up all handy -gravel optional, lots of plants (minimum 15L), have the temperature set to 26 degrees Celsius with light filtration, she normally gives birth by the heater or filter and other fish will try to eat the fry (babies) hence the spare tank. in your normal tank that you have her in if she starts to hang out by either filter or heater a lot, put her into the spare tank this tank also needs running water so aeration or filtering is highly recommended, within the next two days she will have delivered the offspring, take her out when you notice her trying to eat any fry. feed her blood worms, I personally go with her normal diet and keep her away from other fish for a couple days until she looks like she did prior to pregnancy this is because after live-bearers give birth they have chances of getting sick and other fish normally start to attack them.

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