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Prokaryotic flagella rotate like a propeller to push the cell through liquid. The rotation is powered by a motor protein complex located at the base of the flagellum. This motor protein uses energy from ATP to drive flagellar movement.

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Q: How do prokaryotic flagella propel the cell through liquid?
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Do paramecia have a flagella?

No, paramecia have cilia, which are tiny hair-like projections that propel the paramecium through its environment. Both flagella and cilia propel their cell through its environment.

What is prokaryotic cell movement attributed to?

Prokaryotic cell movement is mainly attributed to structures called flagella, which are long whip-like appendages that rotate like a propeller to propel the cell forward. Some prokaryotic cells also move using pili, which are shorter, hair-like structures that help to attach to surfaces and pull the cell along.

Flagella is a structure used for?

Flagella are whip-like structures found in certain cells that are used for movement. They propel the cell by rotating in a helical motion, allowing the cell to swim through liquid environments.

What are the whip like strands on dinoflagellates?

The whip-like strands on dinoflagellates are called flagella. They are used for movement and navigation in their aquatic environment. Dinoflagellates can have one or two flagella, which help propel them through the water.

Movement of prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells move by using flagella (whip-like appendages) or pili (hair-like structures) that help propel the cell through its environment. Eukaryotic cells move through processes like amoeboid movement, cilia (short hair-like structures) or flagella, which aid in cell motility. Eukaryotic cells may also move by using specialized structures like pseudopods in amoebas or muscle contractions in animal cells.

Related questions

. Some prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a cellular structure called a flagella. What is the purpose of the flagella?

to propel the cell through liquid

Prokaryotes use to propel themselves?

Prokaryotes use flagella to propel themselves. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that rotate like a propeller to move the prokaryotic cell through liquid environments.

Some prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have a cellular structure called a flagella. What is the purpose of the flagella?

to propel the cell through liquid

What helps prokaryotes and eukaryotes propel through liquid?

The flagella.... i think

What is the threadlike structur that propel cells through liquids?

Flagella are the threadlike structures that propel cells through liquids. They are whip-like appendages that extend from the cell membrane and rotate to generate movement. Flagella are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Can prokaryotic flagella can rotate 360 degrees?

Yes, prokaryotic flagella can rotate 360 degrees because they are powered by a motor protein called ATP synthase that allows for rotation in both directions. This rotation enables the flagella to propel the cell through liquid environments.

Do paramecia have a flagella?

No, paramecia have cilia, which are tiny hair-like projections that propel the paramecium through its environment. Both flagella and cilia propel their cell through its environment.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes have whip-like projections that help propel the cell through liquid What is the name of this whip-like projection?

The whip-like projection found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes that helps propel the cell through liquid is called a flagellum.

What is prokaryotic cell movement attributed to?

Prokaryotic cell movement is mainly attributed to structures called flagella, which are long whip-like appendages that rotate like a propeller to propel the cell forward. Some prokaryotic cells also move using pili, which are shorter, hair-like structures that help to attach to surfaces and pull the cell along.

Flagella is a structure used for?

Flagella are whip-like structures found in certain cells that are used for movement. They propel the cell by rotating in a helical motion, allowing the cell to swim through liquid environments.

How does flagella work in protoza?

Flagella propel protozoa through water. Sperm also have the same way of moving.

A bacterium that losst its flagella would be unable to?

A bacterium that loses its flagella would be unable to move or swim in its environment. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that bacteria use for motility, allowing them to propel themselves through liquid environments. Without flagella, the bacterium's ability to explore and find nutrients in its environment would be severely impaired.