

How do pugs help people?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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13y ago

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If your are talking about what I'm thinking of (dogs) then they help people by being cute and loving, therefore lifting peoples spirits (not the ghost type) lowering stress.

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Do gay people like pugs?

Some gay people do, and some don't. I personally love dogs, but pugs are not one of my favorite breeds.

How do pugs help us?

They don't. They were breed to be a life companion.

How were pugs created?

a pug and a beagle are breaded together

Why is Pugs?

Why is pugs what.

Why did the Chinese worship pugs?

because people thought that pugs were royal, just like the emporer and empress

Are pugs rodent?

No, pugs are dogs.

Who loves pugs the most?

Lots of people love pugs and think they love them the most. But really, probably no one really knows. On the other hand, some people may hate pugs! :( I have no idea why though. Maybe they had a bad experience with them or something.) All I know is that I love them a lot too'!

What job does a pug do?

Pugs sit on sofas, preferably cuddling with their people. This is the universal job of all pugs. Some pugs watch television and my pug has taken on the responsibility of chasing horses, dogs and dinosaurs away from that magic window. Pugs alert princes to assassins and keep grandma's arthritic feet warm. Pugs teach their people to honor simple comforts and contribute greatly to an otherwise scattered and confused human dignity. And did I mention they make us laugh?

Would a pug make a good pet?

PUGS. 1.) pugs are good for apartments condos because they can withstand small spaces. 2.) pugs are very affectionate and are good with children or elderly people. 3.) pugs shed hair a lot so usually comb and brush it. they are not very good with people who have allergies. 4.) pugs are very semi- hyper, so take them out to walks usually. 5.) they are very lovable and come in 2 colors, biege and black.

Are pugs English?

no pugs are originated from china

Are pugs quiet?

It depends on the the dog. Most pugs snore a little when sleeping but you'll get used to it. Pugs usually don't bark. Pugs only bark at people they don't trust, or when they feel threatened. If the pug barks at you, spend more time with him/her so it can trust you more as an owner. Good Luck! Hope this helped!