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There is no need. If you look at a bible you will find it is already puntuated.

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Q: How do punctuate a Bible?
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How can you use the word punctuate in a sentence?

I will punctuate this sentence.

What is a sentence for punctuate?

You must punctuate every sentence. You will learn to correctly punctuate sentences when you learn the types of sentences.

Is it a rule that you do not punctuate a sentence after PS?

No it is not a rule. You should punctuate as normal.

How do you punctuate this sentence i see a horse do you?

Q: "How do you punctuate this sentence? "i see a horse do you" A: I see a horse, do you? That is how you correct it, or punctuate.

How do you punctuate a foreign quotation?

It should be punctuated the same way you punctuate other quotations.

When to capitalize the word Bible?

The term 'Bible or Scripture' should always be capitalized. The terms biblical and scriptural should not be capitalized unless they begin a sentence. Descriptive terms describing a Bible like a version title New King James should be capitalized but general terms like a good Bible or an expensive Bible should not be.

What is a synonym for punctuate?

Synonyms for the verb punctuate are emphasize, accentuate, interrupt, intersperse, or occur at intervals.

What is a sentence using the word punctuate?

Some students could not write, spell or punctuate simple sentences.

What is the base word for punctuation?

Punctuate is the root word.Punctuate your sentences.Make sure you use correct punctuation.

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How do you punctuate an analogy?

this : that :: these : those.