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If this was done without the renewable energy sources in place to take over there would be complete collapse of everything that we do. Hospitals, food, heat, cooling/refrigeration of foods, computers, internet. Basically everything that you take for granted. First find the other resources, then phase out the fossil fuel dependency. We can't "cold turkey" off of fossil fuels.

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Renewable energy resources can have positive impacts on communities by reducing air pollution, creating job opportunities, decreasing reliance on fossil fuels, and offering cost-saving alternatives for energy production. Additionally, they can promote energy independence and enhance local economies through investment in sustainable practices.

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Q: How do renewable energy resources affect our communities?
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What benefits does renewable energy have over non renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy sources are infinite and do not deplete the Earth's resources, unlike non-renewable sources like fossil fuels. Renewable energy also has lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment and helping combat climate change. Additionally, renewable energy technologies are becoming more cost-effective and can create jobs in local communities.

What are the consequences of using non renewable energy resources?

The consequences of using non-renewable energy resources include environmental degradation such as air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and contribution to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases. Non-renewable resources are finite and will eventually run out, leading to energy scarcity and economic instability. Additionally, the extraction and transportation of non-renewable resources can have detrimental effects on local communities and ecosystems.

Which pair of resources is renewable?

Solar energy and wind energy are renewable resources that will not be depleted over time and can be replenished continuously.

Which is not a renewable energy resources?

Coal is not a renewable energy resource. It is a fossil fuel that is finite and non-renewable, unlike solar, wind, and hydroelectric power which are sustainable and replenishable resources.

How can you classify energy resources?

Energy resources can be classified as renewable or non-renewable. Renewable resources include solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass, while non-renewable resources include fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. Another classification is based on whether the energy source is clean or dirty, with clean resources being environmentally friendly and dirty resources causing pollution.

Related questions

What is renewable resources of energy?

Renewable resources of energy are resources of energy that we will never run out of because eg they can be recycled or come from a material that we will always have. Renewable resources of energy is energy that comes from fuels that are renewable.A few examples of non-renewable fuels are oil, coal, and rainforest timberAnd examples of renewable resources of energy are wind, hydro and solar

What is energy resources that are continually being replenished called?

These are called renewable energy resources. For example bio-diesel, firewood etc come under the category of renewable energy resources. Taping solar energy through photosynthesis also comes under renewable energy resources.

What are some energy resources?

what are some renewable energy resources

What are the earths main type of resources?

The Earth's main types of resources include natural resources such as water, air, minerals, and energy sources like fossil fuels and renewable energy. These resources are essential for supporting life, industry, and economic development on the planet. Sustainable management and conservation of these resources are critical to ensure their availability for future generations.

What is a sentence for the word renewable resources?

The solar and wind energy are renewable resources. This is an example using the phrase renewable resources.

I need 3 renewable resources?

The 3 renewable energy resources are:WindWaterSolar

What is Texas' renewable resources?

Texas' renewable resources are wind, energy, and more.

What is renewal of resources?

Renewable resources of energy are resources of energy that we will never run out of because eg they can be recycled or come from a material that we will always have. Renewable resources of energy is energy that comes from fuels that are renewable.A few examples of non-renewable fuels are oil, coal, and rainforest timberAnd examples of renewable resources of energy are wind, hydro and solar

What are the renewable energy resources in the Philippines?

The renewable energy resources in the Philippines include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass energy. These sources are abundant in the country and have the potential to help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Philippines has been actively investing in these renewable energy sources to promote sustainability and energy security.

Is sunlight a renewable resource or non-renewable rescource?

They use a renewable source of energy. Most are constructed using non renewable resources.

Are renewable energy resources are also called alternative energy resources?


What are energy resources that is continually being replenished?

These are called renewable energy resources. For example bio-diesel, firewood etc come under the category of renewable energy resources. Taping solar energy through photosynthesis also comes under renewable energy resources.