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Q: How do rockets land back on Earth?
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What causes rockets come back to earth?


How does the space shuttle get back to earth?

The orbiter turns around backwards, fires its rockets to decelerate, then uses the atmosphere to slow down and glides to land in Florida

Why do rockets have potential energy?

Rockets in flight have kinetic energy. Rockets with remaining fuel have chemical energy. Rockets still able to fall back to Earth have potential energy.

Did one of the Apollo rockets fail to land on earth?

YES... Apollo 13 did upon reentry

What are some of the jobs rockets have done in the past?

Rockets have sent unmanned spacecraft to mars and Jupiter. Satellites put in orbit by rockets beam back information about earth's atmosphere and weather.

How does single stage rockets get payload back to earth?

Single-stage rockets can't make it into space, so many of them come back down to earth when they reach a certain height. This is why most single stage rockets carry missiles, so when they fall down again, they cause massive damage to their target.

Why don't astronauts soft-land on Earth with retro-rockets?

Rocket fuel is very heavy and it would take more rocket fuel for the launch to carry the weight of the fuel for retro rockets.

Do rockets drop trajectories or satellites?

A trajectory is the path a rocket takes, it is not a thing that can be dropped. Further rockets are used to "launch" a satellite into orbit, not drop it (so that it falls back to Earth).

Then how did you land on the moon?

We used rockets!

What did the men land in on the moon?


Do some rocket parts come off when the go it to space?

Yes, the booster rockets. This usually happens after their fuel has been spent, and they merely drop back to earth and land in the ocean where they are retrieved and used again for another flight.

Are there rockets in space that will never return to earth?

Yes if a rocket fell into a black hole it will never reaturn to Earth but Sometimes NASA sends rockets unmanned ones up into space forever or when ever they want to bring it back to Earth to take take pictures of Galaxies,Planets and stars