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Many secular humanists are not as intolerant as religious people when it comes to different sexual orientations. Since secular humanists do not follow the religious teachings found in holy books, they are more likely to be tolerant of gay marriage and equal rights for people with different sexual orientations.

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Like anyone else, we aren't evil.

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Secular humanists view sexuality as a part of human life, not subject to the arbitrary demands of an imaginary deity or the control of government. This does not mean that secular humanists are necessarily promiscuous. There are perfectly practical reasons to exercise caution about sex, since there are real dangers in the form of sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancy, jealousy or other emotional problems, child support payments, etc. Like most secular activities altruism, not morality , is the guiding principle in play. Self determined control is the important issue. This precludes the control of sexuality among consenting responsible adults based on "standards of morality" or government regulation.

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What is non-secular humanism?

"Non-secular humanism" is generally referred to as plain old "humanism", which is much the same thing, but can include spirituality and lesser deist beliefs, such as agnosticism. It does not exclude secular humanists, but many are inclined to include the "secular" part in order to be clear on the atheistic nature of their moral and ethical beliefs.

Are humanists religious?

A:The word 'humanist' came about because the eighteenth century humanists believed in studying the humanities, which for them meant the Greek classics. They realised that the ancient Greeks provided some of the most profound insights into ethics, sometimes to the consternation of the Church, which taught that only by believing in Christ could we overcome Satan and behave ethically. These 'Christian humanists' were, by definition, religious. However, the modern use of the word humanist is generally associated with non-religious people, often as 'secular humanists'.

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The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

How were the Christian's humanists different from the humanists of the Italian renaissance?

The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

How were the Christian humanists different from the humanists from the Italian Renaissance?

The Christian humanists wanted balance, and the Italian humanists wanted peace and happiness in their lives.

Where do humanists meet?

where do humanists meet too worship