

How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil.

Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.

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Q: How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?
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Are pine trees sexual?

A pine tree reproduce by sexual reproduction. Pine trees produce cones with seeds by sexual reproduction and these cones must be pollinated.

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They both rely on wind to reproduce.

Is pine tree conifers?

Pine trees are coniferous, that is to say, they reproduce by dropping cones filled with seeds.

How do sunflowers reproduce?

Sunflowers reproduce by large seeds that form in the center of their flowerhead.

What is a cone from a tree?

You are most likely referring to "pine cones," which is how pine trees reproduce. The cones hold the seeds.

How do eucalyptus trees reproduce?

They reproduce using cones also known as seeds.Pine trees grow pine cones much like a flower grows blossoms. Inside the pine cone their are seeds that grow and mature. Then the cone falls off to the ground where it dries out. As it dries, the cone opens up so that the seeds can fall out. Birds and rodents grab some of the seeds and carry them a certain distance away. Little pine trees start where the seeds are on nice, moist soil.The seeds of some pine trees are called, "Pine nuts", and are edible and delicious. You can buy them at your grocery store.seeds are in the pine coneleafy gametes.A pine tree produces cones which contain the seed to produce further generations.

Is a slash pine an angiosperm or gymnosperm?

All pine trees are conifers, which are gymnosperms or "naked seeds" due to the fact that they reproduce by cones instead of by flowers.

Why does a pine tree have two different types of cones?

The pine cones are its seed so it makes them so it can reproduce. In other words 'to make another of itself.'

What does the fire do to assist the trees to reproduce?

It forces the seeds (such as pinecones) to open so they will be allowed to germinate. The heat activates them to open because the seed thinks it is warm enough to let the seeds germinate. And let the plant reproduce.

Do pine trees have leafs?

No, Pine Trees have pine needles, not leaves