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Superconductors allow the train to 'float' on a layer of magnetism. Since there is no friction (as there would be with wheels on a track) - the trains can reach much higher speeds.

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Q: How do superconductors increase the speed of trains?
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speed trains and trains to transport people

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Low temperature is a factor to increase electrical conductivty.

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No, the other trains in Britain and Scotland cannot travel faster than the trains in the high speed one.

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Superconductors have the potential to drastically increase computer performance. They can increase the data transfer rates while reducing heat output.

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High speed trains are rail transport that utilizes technology to travel significantly faster than traditional transport. High speed trains first started to run commercially in 1964 at Japan, and were known as the bullet trains.

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Older trains if they were steam depended on how hot the fire was and modern day trains have electronic devices

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What speed do trains get up to?

as fast as they want

How do you calculate the relative speed of two trains passing each other?

If two trains are passing each other the relative speed can be found by adding the individual speeds of the two trains. This applies if the trains are passing each other in opposite directions. Should one be passing the other and both be moving in the same direction, the difference of the individual speeds would be the relative speed of the trains.

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superconductors, they have no resistance.

How is a high speed rail made?

High speed rail trains generally run on standard tracks that are continuously welded together. The trains are made to have better aerodynamics so that speed can be increased.