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It is a protestant bible in German, they have it in asnother way.

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Q: How do the Amish interpret the Bible verses?
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Do Amish people have any holy books?

The Amish do not have a specific holy book like the Bible but they do use the Bible as their primary religious text. They interpret and follow its teachings in their daily lives.

What is the name given to the man who interprets verses of the holy book?

It depends on the religion. In Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, the person who interprets verses of the Bible is a Priest, Seminarian, or Monk. In Protestantism, each person can interpret the Bible for himself. In Judaism, the person who interprets verses of the Jewish Bible is a Rabbi or a Religious Jurist. In Islam, the person who interprets verses of the Qur'an is an Imam or Faqih (Islamic Jurist).

What is the Amish Bible?

The sacred text that the Amish use is the Bible. Those of the Amish faith are Christian. The Amish also have a set of rules governing how they should live their lives, this set of rules is called the Ordnung.

Where can you find Bible verses?

you can find Bible verses from the Bible, and the internet.

How many verses does the Bible has?

31104 verses are there in bible

How many verses are in the Christian Bible?

There are 925 verses in the Christian bible.

Which chapter in the Bible contains the most verses?

psalms 119 has the highest verses in the Bible it has 176 verses

What religion and Bible do the Amish live by?

It is a protestant bible written in German.

What Bible verses begin with the word No?

The word "no" appears in 1,316 verses of the KJV bible. Feel free to peruse the list of verses at the related links to see which verses begin with the word.

What bible verses mention angels speaking?

Some Bible verses that mention angels speaking include Luke 2:10-14 where an angel announces the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, Matthew 28:5-7 where an angel speaks at the empty tomb of Jesus, and Acts 8:26 where an angel instructs Philip to go to the Ethiopian eunuch.

Where in the new Bible does it refer to homosexuality?

It doesn't refer to homosexuality anywhere in the Bible. However, there are certain verses that can be interpreted as prohibitions against same-sex activity, particularly Leviticus 18:22. It's important to note, however, that different religions interpret these verses in different ways, and not all use them to ban homosexuality.

How many verses in the Bible?

31,173 verses EXACTLY