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Q: How do the SPCA supply the accessories the animals need?
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Why does SPCA need help?

we need to adopt animals there .If not they have no more space to put the animals and have to put them to sleep.

Why does the SPCA help abused or hurt animals?

Animals have the ability to suffer. SPCA cares about the welfare of animals, believing that it is our duty as people who care to try to help those who suffer. It's the same reason that there are organizations which help abused or hurt humans.

Where can I purchase car accessories online? has a huge selection of products, as does These two sites should be able to supply you with any accessories you will need.

Why do animals need a continuous supply of oxygen?

Animals need a continuous supply of oxygen because it obtains energy from their food. To acquire such energy from food, cells in animals require a steady supply of ATP in order to function. To produce this ATP, cellular respiration requires oxygen. Without ATP, cells and the organism will die so therefore, animals need a continuous supply of oxygen to survive.

Plants depend upon the activites of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?

Plants depend upon the activities of animals. This is because they need a continuous supply of carbon dioxide, which they get from animals.

On which peninsula is the Human Society located?

The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA is located in Burlingame, California. They take in animals in need of care, rehabilitate them, and offer them up for adoption.

What if you don't have money for a vet but you need to take your kitten in because something is wrong with its leg?

Try calling the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). They may offer to help.

Do you need you parents to volteer at the SPCA?

Only if your under 18

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The best way to find the latest office desk accessories, is to look at online office supply stores. You'll find the latest trends in writing materials, office tools and desk accessories. Ordering online is a convenient way to buy everything you need for your desk. Search online for an office supply store.

How does the spca find a home for animals?

take it into a animal rescue centre, preferably one that never puts a healthy animal down, otherwise a perfectly good dog could die just because no-one will adopt it. otherwise, you could look after it, see if you could find it's owner if it ever had one, if not you could keep it as long as you look after it properly

Conclusion on interdependence between animals and plants?

Plants and animals are very dependent on each other. Plants provide the necessary food that animals need, while animals supply the reactants of photosynthesis that plants need.

What worplace skills are need for the SPCA?

Hi, my name is Allison (Alli for short) from the SPCA and i have an answer for you. here at the SPCA we are looking for people who love animals who are willing to do ANYTHING to help the animals; weather it includes putting them to sleep or finding then a new home. we want someone who is dedicated, hard working, shows up on time, doesn't talk back to the people above or even the people below them in the work area, we want people who are going to love the animals and care a lot for them, and we also want someone who is good with people for when we are trying to find homes for the little animals. i hope you qualify for the job and i hope to talk to you in person and hear what kind of a job here you would like. if you need anything you can call me any time just call the SPCA and ask for ally and if i am not available then ask for Bethany (Beth). i hope to hear from you very soon. Sincerely, Allison.