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Cotton is planted by seeds in furrows in the spring months. A green bushy plant develops with white flowers. It grows all summer and in the early fall the plant is killed off leaving the cotton bolls in the field. If it rains at this time the white cotton boll turns yellow and this will bring down the value of the cotton. The farmer picks the cotton using a machine called a cotton picker and the picked cotton goes into a cotton trailer. It takes about 3 times through the field to get all the cotton. The full trailer is taken to a gin processed and seeds removed . The cotton is packed into large bales and are sold this way.

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Q: How do the cotton farmers keep the soil good?
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How is cotton farming harmful to the soil and what was done to keep the soil usable?

Cotton plants require masive amounts of nutrients and they suck all the nutrients from the soil, what has been done to keep the soil useful is cotton farmers have begun crop rotating.

How farming Cotton harmful to the soil?

The Cotton requires mass amounts of nutrients and sucks it from the soil, which is why farmers usually use crop rotation when producing cotton

What kind of soil is good for growing cotton?

black soil is the best for growing cotton plants

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Loam soil is good for farmers because it has equal qualities f sand, clay and humus. It is especially good for plant growth.

How is crop rotation important to the cotton farmers?

Crop rotation is important to the cotton farmers because they need the nutrients from the soil for other crops so they don't use it all in just one kind of plant.

Why is cotton grown in txs?

The climate and soil are good for it.

Why do farmers put fertilizer on soil?

farmers fertilise soil because it means they can grow good crops every year. The soil only has so many nutrients, essential to plants, and they can be used up easily. Without nutrients, the plants will die so farmers add extra nutrients to keep their plants alive with enough nutrients

How was crop rotation important to the cotton farmers?

The growing of cotton as a cash crop took a toll on the health of the soil, rendering it impossible to grow other crops. By rotating the crops to different fields, the negative impact on the soil was nullified and promoted a high yield of cotton.

Discus ways or structures of farmers to keep their soil fertile?

Crop Rotation

How long did the boll weevil exist?

It still exists today. Cotton farmers have a deadline each fall to turn the soil and bury the leftover cotton plants that are still on the ground after picking of the cotton boll.

Why do farmers add calcium hydroxide to their soil?

because its good

How did peanut butter help farmers?

George Washington Carver is often credited with inventing 300 different uses for peanuts . Carver was one of many USDA researcherswho encouraged cotton farmers in the South to grow peanuts instead of, or in addition to cotton, because cotton had depleted so much nitrogen from the soil, and one of the peanut's properties as a legume is to put nitrogen back into the soil (a process known as nitrogen fixation). Thus peanut butter helped farmers have a product to grow that helped fix their ruined soil!