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Q: How do the ionic radii vary within a group of metals?
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What is the relationship between the atomic numbers and ionic radii of the elements in the group 3A?

I think that the ionic radii decrease

What is the difference between atomic radii and ionic radii?

atomci radii measures for an atom ionic radii measures for an ion

Which elements has the largest atomic radii in periodic table?

The atomic radii of members of the Group 1A (Alkali metals), increases down the group. Therefore Francium has the largest atomic radius of the Alkali metals. However Fr has no stable isotopes, thus is not naturally occurring. So Cs-133 is the largest you can find.

Why do some elements exist without ionic radius?

The elements that do not have quoted ionic radii are the noble gases. These elements do not form ionic compounds and therefore there is no crystallographic data. All of the other elements have ionic radii, these are either an "estimate" from the apparent size of the ion in different compounds, or a calculated value. Ionic radius is a useful idea but it should not be taken to literally, comparatively few compounds are truly ionic, most of them have some covalent character. The best examples of elements where the ionic radius is meaningful are the group 1, 2 metals, oxide ion and the lighter halogens.

How does ionic radius change as you move down and across the periodic table?

Ionic radius (or radii) increases as you move down a group and across a period.

Do alkali metals have a big radii?

Yes. For the elements in a given period, alkali metals have the largest radii.

Which of these describes atomic radii as one moves from top to bottom within a group?

The atomic radius increases from top to bottom within a group.

Definition of ionic radii?

measure for an ion

Ionic radii of iron?

0.076,0.064 nm

What is the atomic radius of iodide ion?

The ionic radius of the iodide ion, I- is 206pm. It is one of the largest monatomic anions. The ionic radii of the halogen ions increase down the halogen group.

Why are the ionic radii of metallic elements smaller than the atomic radii of the same elements?

The ionic radii of metallic elements is smaller than its atomic radii, because the ion has less electrons. This gives it a smaller electron cloud and makes the atom smaller.

Why were no ionic radii given for He Ne Ar Kr Xe and Rn?

These are the noble gases and since they don't generally form ions, no ionic radii are given.