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Q: How do the liver and pancreas work together to complete chemical digestion?
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What contributes to chemical digestion?

Enzymes contribute to chemical digestion. They are produced by the pancreas and together with bile, chemically change food into molecules so that it can be absorbed easily by the body.

What does chemical digestive?

Digestion means breaking down complex items into smaller components. Chemical digestion does this by breaking down the chemical bonds that hold the item together. This changes the chemical composition of the item.

What is the purpose of the pancreas in the human digestive system?

it is a organ that produces and,or stores chemical .... produces insulin

What organs help with digestion when food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine?

The three organs that work together to help the small intestine are the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. Hope I helped. (=

What does chemical digestion in the stomach require?

The process of chemical digestion starts is your mouth! When you start chewing, your saliva helps break down the food as it goes down the esophagus.

How is digestion a chemical change?

Food digestion is a chemical change. Chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes break down the food ingested into its component particles and these particles cannot be put back together through mechanical means.

Do pancreas and insulin go together?


How is the new pancreas and duodenum connected during a pancreas transplantation?

The new pancreas and duodenum are then connected to the patient's duodenum, and the blood vessels are sutured together to restore blood flow to the new pancreas.

Difference between physical digestion and chemical digestion?

Physical (also called mechanical) digestion is when you use your teeth to mash up food. You are physically breaking the food into smaller pieces. However, chemical digestion would be what your saliva or stomach acids are doing. They are breaking down the food and transferring different parts of it (such as lipids etc.) to the different parts of your body that need it.

Two body systems that work together?

Pancreas & Liver

The pancreas and liver work together to maintain homeostasis through what?

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Where is the pancreas located in human body?

The pancreas is in the abdomen, behind the stomach. It is shaped a little like a tadpole and is approximately 25cm long. The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system and of the endocrine (hormonal) system. To visualize the position of the pancreas, try this: Touch the thumb and "pinkie" finger of your right hand together, keeping the other three fingers together and straight. Then, place your hand in the center of your belly just below your lower ribs with your fingers pointing to the left. Your hand will be at the approximate level of your pancreas. The pancreas is located in front of the liver and kidney, within the lower abdominal cavity.