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well, yeast forms in the ears and can lead to a serious condition in which the animal will have to get surgery to remove the yeast.

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Q: How do the products of fermentation in animals differ from yeast?
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What are the products of fermentation in plants and animals?

The products of plant fermentation are alcohol fermentation, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, or lactic acid fermentation. No further energy is gained for the cell.

What types of organisms use fermentation?


What products produced by yeast cells fermentation cause bread to rise?

Carbon dioxide

What are the reactants and products for alcoholic fermentation?

Feedstock is Glucose. Reaction is performed by yeast, specifically brewers yeast or sugar yeast. Product: ATP Energy, Carbon Dioxide, Water, NAD, alcohol

Where is yeast used?

Yeast is only used in bread products. It causes the fermentation process, which causes the breads to rise.

What happens to yeast when the temperature is too high?

during baking, the products of fermentation will swell and smells depending on its degree of fermentation

Name an organism in which alcoholic fermentation takes place?

Alcoholic fermentation occurs in plants, fungi (such as yeasts), and bacteria but not in animals.

What is the purpose of yeast in fermentation?

yeast provides the enzyme zymase which catalyses the fermentation process.

What do yeast make during fermentation?

Yeast fermentation is a digestive process that it used to perform growth and reproduction. Fermentation is a form of metabolism by yeast.

What type of fermentation occurs in yeast and some plants?

alcoholic fermentation, also referred to as ethanol fermentation, is a biological process in which elements such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into cellular energy and thereby produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products.

What is it called when yeast respire anaerobically?


What type of fermentation is carried out by yeast?

Alcoholic fermentation