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They allow your body to move.

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Q: How do the skeletal muscles enable us to move by contracting and pulling the bone?
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Why muscles are attached to bones?

Well, they are both systems that help you move so hat could be a reason. Muscles pull and the skeletal system has joints and liagments.

Muscles and bones together enable the body to?

The bones adequately support the muscles, and the muscles move the skeletal system. They coincide with each other in order to work. one system could not work without the other.

What is made up of the muscles that let you move?

The muscular system is made up of the muscles that enable movement. It consists of more than 600 muscles, including skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, and cardiac muscles. These muscles work together to allow voluntary and involuntary movements in the body.

What the function on the muscular system?

Some muscles are attached tobones.They enable to move by contracting and relaxing.Other muscles are those in the heart,stomach and intestines.When you eat and the food goes down to your stomach and intestines,the muscles in your stomach and intestines contract and relax to move the food. Muscles at your heart also contract and relax to help the heart to pump blood to the other parts of the body.

What body structure do muscular tissue work to enable movement?

Tendons attach many skeletal muscles across joints, allowing muscle contraction to move the bones across the joint. Muscles generally work in pairs to produce movement: when one muscle flexes (or contracts) the other relaxes, a process known as antagonism

How do bone enable movement?

its muscles and joints

What makes your muscle move?

Muscles are connected to bone by tendons. When sacromeres inside a muscle contract it makes the muscles contract thus pulling on the tendon which in turn pulls on a bone to make it contract or also pull that contracted limb to a relaxed position. Transition in smooth muscle contraction also moves food through the intestines and esophagus. this is no help at all

Do leg muscles contract to enable you to raise your foot?


Which kind of muscles fibers enable the muscles to exert force for a long period of time?

Slow Twitch (:

What are joints in skeletal system?

Ball an socket, pivot, hinge, and gliding joints.

What is the function of the musc ular system?

The muscular system is responsible for various essential functions in the human body. Its main function is to enable movement and provide stability and support to the skeletal system. Here are some of the key functions of the muscular system: Facilitating Movement: Muscles work together with bones and joints to produce a wide range of movements, including walking, running, grasping objects, and facial expressions. Maintaining Posture: Muscles play a crucial role in maintaining the body's posture and balance, whether standing, sitting, or performing other activities. Generating Heat: Muscle contractions produce heat, which helps regulate body temperature and keeps it within a narrow range necessary for proper bodily functions. Protecting Internal Organs: Some muscles, like the abdominal muscles, protect internal organs and keep them in place. Aiding in Digestion: Muscles in the digestive system, such as the smooth muscles in the intestines, help move food along the digestive tract. Supporting Breathing: The diaphragm and other respiratory muscles assist in the process of breathing by expanding and contracting the lungs. Facilitating Blood Circulation: The heart, which is a specialized muscle, pumps blood throughout the body, ensuring the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to various tissues and organs. Assisting in Speech and Vocalization: Muscles in the face, throat, and vocal cords enable speech and vocalization by controlling the movements required for speaking and producing sound. Aiding in Locomotion: Skeletal muscles in the limbs enable locomotion, allowing us to move from one place to another efficiently. Supporting Joint Stability: Muscles help stabilize joints, preventing excessive movement and reducing the risk of injuries and chronic muscle pain.

How do skeletal muscles work together?

Skeletal muscles have an antagonistic relationship. To move about a joint one muscle contracts while its opposite muscle relaxes. For example, movement of the forearm is done through the bicep and tricep along the elbow one muscle contracts, the other relaxes