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Q: How do the works of Thomas more and desirous Erasmus relate to christian humanism?
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What were Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas Moore and Francois Rabelais?

how did Erasmus, Rabelais, and Thomas More contribute to Christian Humanism

Who were Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More?

They were Christian humanists.

Discuss Christian humanism by describing the works and ideas of Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmus?

Christian humanism, as advocated by figures like Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmus, emphasized the importance of integrating Christian values with the pursuit of knowledge and education. More's book "Utopia" critiqued the social and political structures of his time while promoting principles of justice and equality. Erasmus focused on reforming the Catholic Church by promoting scholarship, moral introspection, and a return to the teachings of the Bible. Both thinkers believed in the potential for human reason and intellect to lead to a more just and harmonious society infused with Christian ethics.

What did Christian humanism movement focus on?

Christian humanism focused on the integration of classical learning and Christian theology, emphasizing the value of individual worth and the potential for human achievement. It sought to promote education, critical thinking, and moral reform within the Christian context. Key figures in the movement include Erasmus of Rotterdam and Thomas More.

What did sir Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmus writings call for?

Christian humanists

Was it possible for Renaissance era writer to combine humanism and religious devotion?

Yes, it was possible for Renaissance writers to combine humanism and religious devotion. Many writers, such as Erasmus and Thomas More, explored humanist themes while maintaining a strong Christian faith. They reconciled the study of classical texts with their religious beliefs to promote social reform and personal piety.

What did Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More have in common?

Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More both called for reform.

Who came up with humanism?

Humanism emerged during the European Renaissance in the 14th century with thinkers like Petrarch, who promoted the revival of classical learning and a focus on human potential and achievement. Other influential humanist figures include Erasmus of Rotterdam, Leonardo da Vinci, and Thomas More.

What was northern humanism?

Northern humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement in northern Europe during the Renaissance that emphasized the study of classical texts, individualism, and a focus on improving society through education and critical thinking. It was characterized by a strong interest in the humanities, particularly literature, philosophy, and history. Key figures of northern humanism included Erasmus, Thomas More, and John Colet.

What is northern European humanism?

Northern European humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in the late 15th and early 16th centuries in countries like Germany, the Netherlands, and England. It emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy, as well as a focus on individualism, the dignity of man, and the importance of education. Key figures associated with Northern European humanism include Erasmus of Rotterdam and Thomas More.

Famous medieval priest?

Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas Becket

Why did Erasmus write The Praise Of Folly?

For Sir Thomas More