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We know how big it is now, we know how old it is, and we know the rate of expansion. Its like rewinding a movie that you started in the middle. We just rewind the known universe as it is now. We dont know how big it was before the big bang but we know how big it was at the initial kaboom.

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Q: How do they know how small the universe was before the big bang?
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Because God created it (or perhaps ordered it to be created). If you want a more scientific explanation: the Universe as we know it was the result of the Big Bang. What came before the Big Bang - or the exact cause of the Big Bang - are currently unknown.

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If there is no black hole, then no Universe, we will not be exist. That's why there is a Big Bang. The Universe started off with a Big Bang from a black hole. Though if you want to know what happens before our Universe, then you need to study 'String Theory' and the 'M theory'.

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It is wide accepted that the Universe as we know it began with the so-called "Big Bang"; however, we don't know what happened before that (if anything), so the Big Bang may not actually be the beginning.

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well there is a fact that you need to know here , the big bang formed the whole universe we observe nowadays and as the great astronaut carl sagan said " what happened before the big bang is not affected with what happened after the big bang " so we might never know .

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The Big Bang is the cause of everything we know - the Universe around us. If the Big Bang itself was caused by something else, we don't know about it.

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The entire OBSERVABLE Universe must have been smaller than the size of a proton. Since the ENTIRE Universe is much larger, and perhaps infinite, we really don't know how large that was.

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The Big Bang happened first. It is the beginning of the Universe as we know it - we don't know what happened before that.During the Big Bang, hydrogen and helium were formed; other elements were created later, through nuclear fusion - and some of those were ejected in supernova explosions.

What is the guess about the time before the Big Bang?

The concept of time "before" the Big Bang is currently not well-understood by scientists and is still a topic of ongoing research and debate. The Big Bang theory describes the origin of the universe as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, that expanded and cooled rapidly, giving rise to the observable universe. However, the laws of physics as we know them today break down at the singularity, and our current understanding of the universe only extends back to a few fractions of a second after the Big Bang. There are various speculative theories and hypotheses about what may have happened before the Big Bang, but they are mostly speculative and not yet supported by strong evidence. Some of these theories suggest that our universe may have emerged from a previous universe, or that the Big Bang was the result of a collision between multiple universes in a higher-dimensional space. Overall, the question of what happened before the Big Bang remains one of the most challenging and unresolved questions in modern cosmology.

Did the string theory happen before the big bang?

Unclear as there is no way to know what happened before the big bang, or even if there was a "before the big bang".

How did the gas clouds that created the big bang form?

There were no gas clouds prior to the Big Bang. Indeed, there were no atoms, no sub-atomic particles, and no quarks -- all of these came into being after the start of the Big Bang. What was there BEFORE our Universe started to expand? The answer is simple: we don't know.