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well there is a fact that you need to know here , the big bang formed the whole universe we observe nowadays and as the great astronaut Carl Sagan said " what happened before the big bang is not affected with what happened after the big bang " so we might never know .

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Even 300,000 years after the Big Bang, there were no hydrogen atoms.

No hydrogen means no stars, means no galaxies.

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The big bang theory has nothing to do with the formation of planets.

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Everything happened after the big bang.

What made planets?

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The Big Bang didn't directly create the Earth, a supernova created it, the sun, and the other planets.

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Unclear as there is no way to know what happened before the big bang, or even if there was a "before the big bang".

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By winning games on planets!

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There was no such thing as 'space' before the Big Bang. In fact, there was no such thing as 'before' before the Big Bang. Space and time both began with that event.

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Without the Big Bang there would be NOTHING. The entire Universe - including space, and apparently even time! - is the result of the Big Bang.

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It started with the big bang. This created the stars and planets

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No. The big bang was before the dinos.

How did planets exist after the big bang?

Pieces of rock clumped together to make big ones

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The 'Big Bang' was the start of our universe, so before this event, there was nothing (although some scientists believe there may be other universes). So, the stars, including our sun, came later, and then the planets.