

How do thunder and lightning occur?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The solar wind carries both positive and negative ions. Earth's magnetic poles drop electrons to the North pole, and positive charges (ions, nucleii) preferentially to the South pole (one of the reasons the South pole has an ozone hole in its winter). This makes for a charge separation in and through the Earth and the atmosphere. There is a net charge difference between the Earth's surface and "the atmosphere", and this is many billions (if not trillions) of volts. Water as vapor is pretty much in equilibrium with the distributed charge in the air around it. As it coalesces into larger and larger droplets, the net charge disperses over the surface and the droplet has a significantly different charge than the surrounding air (if not the cloud the droplet is now probably a part of). As the now-charged cloud moves over the surface of the Earth, opposite charges follow it through the Earth itself. Rain has a huge volume but a much smaller surface area than the vapor, and so the entire cloud must carry the extra charge. Lots of charge that really "needs" to be somewhere else. A force that is potentially orders of magnitude stronger than gravity... looking for a place to go... At some point, the charge difference is enough that even a single cosmic ray can initiate lightning to follow its ionization path, either ground-to-sky or sky-to-ground, and primarily only electrons make the trip either way... too much acceleration and energy required to move heavy charged nucleii over the whole path. Thunder is caused by the flow of electrons superheating the atmosphere in its path to a conductive state... a plasma, which is much hotter, less dense, but much "larger" that the air before the arc. So thunder is a shock wave or "sonic boom" of air being blown out of the way of the speeding electrons.

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12y ago

Areas of positive and negative charges build up in storm clouds during thunderstorms. Lightning is a spark as charges jump between parts of a cloud, other clouds, or between a cloud and the ground. Thunder forms when a lightning bolt heats the air up to 30,000 degrees Celsius and the air expands explosively. Thunder is the sound the explosion makes.

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What is it called when lightning and thunder occur together?

lightning+ thunder-=light'n'thunder

Why would you have to watch out if the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder seemed to occur together?

If thunder and lightning occur together close to you, you are dangerously close to a lightning bolt.

Why would you have to watch out if the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder seem occur together?

If thunder and lightning occur together close to you, you are dangerously close to a lightning bolt.

Can thunder storms occur without lightning?

most likely there is lighting from a further away storm and that's why the thunder occurs other wise i don't know

Where do thunder and lightning commonly occur?


Is thunder the same as lightning?

Thunder and lightning occur roughly at the same time during a thunderstorm, but they are different things. Typically you see the lightning first and then you hear the thunder.

Why does thunder ussually occur during storms that have lightning flashes?

The thunder is the sound of lightning but you only hear the thunder after the flash because lightning is faster than the speed of sound.

Why do thunder and lightning bolt occur at the same instant?

Thunder is the sound of the lightening

Does it need to be raining for thunder and lightning to occur?

No, it doesn't need to rain for thunder and lightning to occur because the thunder and lightning need cold and warm air so they collide. The clouds are like big batteries and the lightning is the short circuit. also the lightning can be between the clouds and it doesn't strike down to the ground. also if the clouds have temperature conditions and it doesn't have to rain it just creates thunder and lightning.

Why does thundering occur with out lighting?

Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of air surrounding a lightning bolt. While thunder is typically associated with lightning, it is possible to hear thunder without seeing the associated lightning if the lightning is occurring far away or behind clouds. This phenomenon is known as "heat lightning."

Does it thunder and lighting every time it rains?

No. It is very common for rain to occur without thunder or lightning.

Can Lightning and thunder occur simultaneously?

No. Thunder is the result of lightning when it hits the ground. After lightning hits the ground the air expands (because of the increase in temp.) and quickly condenses. That air condensing is what we hear when there is thunder. Because light travels faster than sound we see lightning then hear thunder.