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Trees help to slow down greenhouse effect as they absorb carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is a major green house gas and can cause greenhouse effect.

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Q: How do trees help slow down greenhouse effect?
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Why does planting millions of trees help reduce the greenhouse effect?

Planting millions of trees help to reduce greenhouse effect. These trees absorb carbon dioxide which is one of the major greenhouse gas.

Does nitrogen help slow down the greenhouse effect?

No. Nitrogen, which makes up 78% of the atmosphere, makes no difference to the greenhouse effect.

How does planting trees help reduce the greenhouse effect?

Trees sequester (store) carbon for long periods of time. When the tree dies, or is burned up in a fire, that carbon is released back into the atmosphere. Trees harvested for lumber continue storing most of the carbon they have sequestered.

What does the greenhouse effect help do?

The normal greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm enough for life.The enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect, is causing global warming.

Would planting trees help reduce the greenhouse effect?

Yes. Becuase trees take in the carbon[CO2]and releases oxyen[O]to the planet which we breath in to live.Then we exhale and it releases carbon.

How does the ozone layer help in protecting the earth from greenhouse effect?

Ozone layer does not allow UV to pass through which kill the greenhouse gas absorbing plankton. This avoids the greenhouse effect.

Why do you think greenhouse gases get that nickname?

Because they have the same effect as a greenhouse. They trap heat inside them, just like a greenhouse does to help the plants grow.

The greenhouse effect is due largely to what?

It is caused by humans emitting harmful gases and chemicals into our Earth's atmosphere.Further information:Earth has both a "natural" greenhouse effect and a "man-made" greenhouse effect.The natural greenhouse effect is caused mostly by water vapour, and to a much smaller degree, to carbon dioxide, methane, and a few other minor gases. These factors help keep the Earth warm and habitable.The "unnatural" greenhouse effect is what results from the burning of fossil fuels and rainforest trees, which release extra carbon when they are felled and burnt.

How is reaforestation going to help the ozone layer?

Planting trees will reduce the effect of global warming, but it has little to do with ozone depletion.

How has the greenhouse effect affected British weather?

The normal greenhouse effect keeps Britain warm (with help from the Gulf Stream). The enhanced greenhouse effect is causing global warming and climate change. This is changing weather patterns leading to heat waves, and different and more extreme weather conditions.

Is the Greenhouse effect caused by the sun growing stronger?

No, it is caused by harmful gases being released into the air and our sun is actually becoming cooler over time.Further information:Earth has both a natural and a man-made greenhouse effect.Its natural greenhouse effect is caused mostly by water vapour, and to a much smaller degree, to carbon dioxide, methane, and a few other minor gases. These factors help keep the Earth warm and habitable.The "unnatural" greenhouse effect is what results from the burning of fossil fuels and rainforest trees, which release extra carbon when they are felled and burnt.

How does the cap and trade agreement affect greenhouse gasses?

It will have no effect on greenhouse gases, but will likely help destroy the economy of the United States and other nations.