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Turtles live in the water. How can they not breath in what they live in?!

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Q: How do turtles breathe in water or not?
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Do water turtles breathe under water?

No they do not breathe under water. They have lungs. Aquatic turtles such as the red - eared slider can hold their breath for 3 - 4 hours.

Can common snapping turtles breathe underwater?

No. Turtles do not have gills so they have to come to the surface of the water to breathe.

What helps turtles breathe under water?

Turtles don't breathe under water. They've got lungs - not gills. They hold their breath when they dive.

Why don't turtles lay eggs in the water?

It is safer to lay them buried in the sand, and turtles breathe air and do not have gills to survive for that long in the water, either.

Do turtles need to come up for air?

Yes manatees are mammals which means they breathe air

Can a turtle breathe in water?

Turtles breath air. But they can hold their breaths in water for a good amount of time.

Do turtles breathe with their lungs?

Yes, but some species can also breathe through their anus.

Can turtles breathe on land?

Turtles have lungs - not gills. They breathe just fine in air, on land.

Do aquatic turtles breath water and air?

No, they only breathe air. They need a place to rest above the water.

Can sea turtles breath underwater?

Turtles don't breathe under water. They've got lungs - not gills. They hold their breath when they dive.

Does sea snakes and turtles breathe with lungs?

All turtles have lungs - not gills. They hold their breath when they dive.

How do red eared slider turtles breathe under water?

Most turtles slow down their breathing and hold their breath and they can hold their breath for longs periods of time.