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They change direction and they might exchange their momentum.

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Q: How do two water molecules stick together?
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How do water molecules form and interact?

Water molecules stick together when they get closer together. This is due to the partial positive charge of the hydrogen atoms and the partial negative charge of the oxygen atom. The sticking together is called cohesion.

What type of bond typically holds two separate water molecules together in a water solution?

Hydrogen Bonds hold water molecules together.

What is the type of attraction that holds two water molecules together?

The type of attraction that holds two water molecules together is an electrostatic attraction, known as the hydrogen bond.

How water molecules are join together?

chemical process that joins two molecule together by removing water

Can water adhere and cohere?

When two things that are alike stick together, they cohere. Water molecules in a cloud cohere to each other forming a droplet of water. More of these droplets cohere to each other forming larger droplets. When the cloud becomes saturated with water droplets it rains. When two (or more) different things stick together, they adhere. When you get caught in a downpour and your clothes gets really wet, the water makes your clothes adhere (stick) to your skin.

What two properties of water are critical in moving water through xylem?

The two critical properties of water in moving through xylem are cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion allows water molecules to stick together, forming a continuous column of water in the xylem. Adhesion allows water molecules to stick to the walls of the xylem cells, helping to counteract the pull of gravity and enabling water to be transported upward in plants.

What two molecules are produced when two glucose molecules are chemically bonded together?

When two glucose molecules are chemically bonded together, they form a water molecule and sugar maltose. This process is called dehydration synthesis.

What is the chemical formula for two glucose molecules joined together?

Glucose is formed in photosynthesis when two molecules are joined together. These two molecules are ATP and CO2 (carbon dioxide).

What is it called when water sticks to other things?

Water molecules form weak hydrogen bonds with each other when close, which causes them to stick together. This is called cohesion. It is one of three highly unique properties of water, the other two being adhesion, which is water's ability to stick to other materials, and surface tension, which causes the water molecules to act almost like an elastic sheet, like when water is on the lip of a glass, but doesn't spill.

Are water molecules made up individual water molecules?

no. atoms are the basic blocks. atoms fit together in certain ways to create molecules. Water is made up of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule.

What is two molecules joined together by splitting off a water molecule?

A condensation reaction

Do two water molecules bond together form a disaccharide?

No. Two monosaccharides (carbohydrate monomers) bond together with a glycosidic linkage with the elimination of a water molecule to form a disaccharide.