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c is a constant, which is the speed of light, lamda is the wavelength which the light is traveling at, and f is the frequency of the light. All light travels at the speed of light no matter what colour, however ever colour tavels at different wavelengths and frequencies.

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A wave's speed is equal to its wavelength times its frequency.

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Q: How do wavelength and frequency relate to the speed of light?
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Hoe are frequency and wavelength are relate?

Inversely frequency = speed of light / wavelength

How does a waves speed relate to its wavelength and frequency?

The product of (wavelength) times (frequency) is the speed.

How does frequencey relate to wavelength?

Frequency = (wave speed) divided by (wavelength)Wavelength = (wave speed) divided by (frequency)Wave speed = (frequency) multiplied by (wavelength)

How does speed of wave relate to wavelength and frequency?

The product of (wavelength x frequency) is the wave's speed.

Who does the speed of a wave relate to its wavelength and frequency?

The speed of any wave is the product of (wavelength) x (frequency) .

How could you find the wavelength of light if you knew its speed and frequency?

Wavelength times frequency is the speed. To know the wavelength, you have to divide the speed by the frequency of the light.

What is the relationship between wavelength and frequencyand the speed of light?

Light with a lower frequency will have a longer wavelength. Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other (i.e. as one increases, the other decreases and vice-a-versa). The product of frequency and wavelength is the speed of light.

How could you find the wavelength of light if you knew it's speed and frequency?

Wavelength times frequency is the speed. To know the wavelength, you have to divide the speed by the frequency of the light.

What is the formula relating speed of light frequency and wavelength?

the speed of light equals the frequency multiplied by the wavelength.

What happenes to the frequency of light when its wavelength increases or decreases?

wavelength = speed of light/frequency so we rearrange frequency = speed of light/wavelength Hopefully you can figure it out from here...

How do you calculate light wavelength to frequency?

To find (wavelength): Divide (speed) by (frequency). To find (frequency): Divide (speed) by (wavelength).

What is the formula for converting frequency of light into wavelength?

wavelength = c/frequency of light where c is the speed of light.