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Technology has become an intrinsic part of our daily routines, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world. Its influence continues to expand, bringing both challenges and opportunities for individuals and society as a whole.

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tiptop ideas

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axiit 02

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2mo ago

We are surrounded by technology such as mobile phone, pc, app, AI and many more. We are now living the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is a great contribution of modern science. On the other hand, many people will loose their jobs because they won't cope up with it.

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Q: How do we encounter technology in our daily life?
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How technology affects your daily living?

Well, In this more advanced life we all people became technology addicted. As we all know that in this time gadgets are everywhere. So, I believe that technology affects our daily living life.

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What are the differences between new technology and old technology?

none. technology is simply applying the knowledge of science to improve daily life.

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They are both interdependent

What is information technology and its use in daily life?

Information technology (IT) involves using computers, software, and networks to process and distribute information. In daily life, IT is used for communication through email and social media, accessing information through the internet, conducting transactions online, and using various apps on smartphones and other devices for entertainment, productivity, and convenience.

Is technology is the use of scientific discoveries?

no, technology are the tools that man has created and sre still creating to make daily life easier to make life easier

How has science and technology affected your daily life 5points?

You are using technology right now to cheat on some sort of test...

Write a short essay on the importance of technology in evreyday lives of a teenager?

technology is every importance in our daily without technology we can life because technology is all around us.

What was the fist technology invented?

If you are asking what was the 'first' technology to ever occur, that would be the shovel. The definition of 'technology' is a piece of equipment that makes daily life easier.

What is the purpose for technologies?

A "technology" is simply a word used to describe the skills or tools an individual uses to aid him or herself in their everyday life. Therefore, the purpose of a technology is to solve problems one might encounter in everyday life.

When might you encounter irrational number in daily life?

Anywhere that a curve appears, including a circle. The diagonal of a square or most rectangles.

Why do technology being develop?

technology was developed because we "supposely need it' it helps us in our daily life and needs that just one reason