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Ryan and mason are awsome.

they tell there pray a joke then invite them for a sleepover

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so there prey will not run or fight back

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Q: How do wolves sneak up on their prey?
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Do Arctic gray wolves sneak up on their prey?

yes- that is a wolves instincts

Do wolves eat deer?

Yes, they do. Deer and rabbits are both prey to wolves. The wolf either has to sneak up on its prey, or outrun it, so young, injured or weak deer are the usual victims.most likeily yes. wolves are carnivors so they do eat meat. but where they ussally live i dont think there are deer there.

Do zebras sneak up on prey?

The do not, they are herbivores

How do predators move ON their prey?

They sneak up on they're prey and pounce on top of them.

How do predators?

They sneak up on they're prey and pounce on top of them.

How do pandas sneak up on their prey?

Pandas do not sneak up on their prey, unless you consider bamboo prey, FYI Pandas have no enemies except for man (poachers) God help them if they get caught, off with their heads! pandas are the most protected animals today.

How do minks catch prey?

They sneak up on there pray and then wait for the right time and then pounce on it

What adaptations would a predator need to sneak up on prey?

It would need camouflage

How does hunter sneak up on its prey?

it uses cold blooded, ninja pro and a silencer

How does a monkey camouflage to sneak up on prey?

Monkies don't eat meat. They eat fruit such as bananas. So they don't have prey.

Do tigers stalk and try to intimidate their prey?

Tigers sneak up on there pray because the color of there fur kind of blends in with the long grass so there prey cant really see the. Also most tigers are fast runners and can out run there prey most of the time. That's how they sneak up on them!!

How do arctic wolves catch prey?

Arctic wolves catch their prey by chasing them down. Depending on what type of prey it is, they can catch them multiple ways. -jumping, biting, chasing, and sneak attacks-- For hooved prey, they would circle the herd, and like lions, a few would run at one of the animals, and separate it from the herd, and head it to where others lay in ambush, and after that, they bite it and chase it till they can get it at bay, and kill it.