

How to flirt?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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15y ago

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  • Laughing at everything the guy says.
  • Twirling her hair.
  • Putting on makeup and fixing her hair.
  • Always talks to you.
  • Always looks at you in the eye.
  • Trys to act funny.
  • Trys to act mean, in a way.
  • Taking your things and looking at them.
  • Always looks at you....
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14y ago
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15y ago

Smile at him when you see him. Most boys find smiling totally sexy. Try to widen your eyes a bit, too, and act a little coy. When a boy notices you smiling at him, raise your eyebrows up and down. Boys love that. Most women flirt by telling men they're "too bad," "roguish," or in some way suggesting that the guy is a stud. You might ask him something like, "I don't know how you guys can just go around making girls fall for you. Don't you ever feel guilty about that?" Try to cultivate an air of mystery or intrigue. Keep him guessing.

Don't forget being confident, it'll make him notice you more, but don't be OVER confident. No-one likes a complete show off.

Make sure to listen to what he says to you and adjust the conversation accordingly. Start off by simply expressing interest in what he says, but gradually begin working in small compliments. If you want to be more edgy, make it more suggestive. You might even bust his chops a little. For instance, if he says he's studying Biology, you might say "Yeah, you're just interested in studying girls' anatomy" or "Really? Let me see your hands."

Be careful here, because there's a danger of being too aggressive and turning the guy off. Think of it this way. Really hot women don' t have to flirt to get a guy's attention. Guys are used to that and expect it. A girl that is being too direct might make the guy think, "What's wrong with her?" It could also be a subconscious thing; since you're flirting too strongly, he might find you less physically attractive. It's a bit of a catch-22, because the girls that most guys think they want aren't the ones flirting with them.

So, the trick with flirting is trying to make up the difference by being verbally attractive. You've got to "reprogram him" by making him feel just as sexy with you in his arms that he'd feel with the "mega babes." Believe it or not, a so-called "plain" woman who is an expert flirter can quickly get guys turned on.

Compliment his looks, clothes, or hair. If he compliments you back, he definitely likes you. Try to find the one attribute that he seems most proud of and mention that. So, if he has very carefully groomed facial hair, say that it looks really good on him. You might tell him that he looks just like some well-known hunk from TV or the movies.

Make gestures and twirl your hair while talking to the boy you like, also sit or stand in a nice way to attract attention. If you're shy, put on some lip gloss it always makes you feel more confident. Remember you'll just look silly if you just sit there and don't talk, so think about something interesting to talk about. Men love talking about themselves, especially when someone appears to be genuinely interested. Ask him about his favorite bands or movies, why he likes them, etc.

First off, realize that flirting is a game and should be played like one. It's supposed to be fun for both parties. You should also realize that there are stakes in flirting. How high will you raise the ante? Some guys are very aggressive flirters, but others are more relaxed and only vaguely suggestive. You can try to be cautious, but bear in mind that many women will be turned off if you seem afraid or intimidated by them.

Successful flirting also requires knowing something about the girl. Is she gorgeous? If so, she's probably heard about it all her life. One more dude telling her she's beautiful or whatever will not excite her in the least. Flirting with hot women requires a different (and more complicated) approach. Basically, you have to gently tug at their ego (dissing/teasing) while simultaneously offering an alternative (you). The reason this approach is so difficult is that it's very easy to actually offend the woman instead of just teasing her a bit. You might try something like, "Hmm...what's wrong with this picture?" (while gesturing at her). If she looks up or asks what, say something like, "Let me guess--you just came here because the other girls in this place make you look hot." The idea is to lace everything with a hint of sarcasm, but there should always be a compliment in there somewhere.

If the girl is not used to being flirted with, your job is much easier (and safer). You can begin by acting conspiratorial; lower your voice as though you don't want anyone else to hear. The topics depend on the context. If she's got on an unusual piece of jewelry or clothing, you can ask her where she got it. Start off by talking about things and only gradually move into actual comments about her, always paying attention to the style and tone of the response. A discussion about her earrings might proceed from where she got them, to the fact that they look great on her, to the fact that she's very pretty and could make any earrings look good.

Think of flirting as a series of checkpoints. If you mess up a little, you can retreat to the last checkpoint and try a different approach. If you mess up too badly, you'll just have to give up and move on. For instance, if you tell a girl that she has amazing eyes and then she tells you that her boyfriend or husband says that a lot, too, forget it. Likewise if she tries to cut off the conversation or says something like, "Well, thanks, but let's talk about something else." == ==

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