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bool isBigger (float a, float b) { return a > b;}

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Q: How do you Write a value returning function using c programming that receives two floating point numbers and returns true if the first formal parameter is greater than the second.?
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Does a function always require a parameter?

No. For example, function getpid never requires a parameter.

Can you have in-out parameter in a function if not then why?

because function have return sts thatway it is not necessary out parameter to function

What is an actual parameter?

A formal perimeter refers to an identifier that is used in a method to stand for the value that is passed into the method by a caller. An actual perimeter on the other hand refers to the actual value that is passed into the method by a caller.

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A return statement exits the function in which it is declared and gives control to the calling code. Returning from the main function exits the program and gives control to the execution environment.

What are arguments in C programming?

Arguments are used mostly in functions (or methods). Basically it can be any input parameter(s) which a function(s) can use to do it's work. For instance, sin(x) sinus is a function and x is it's argument.

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In the C Programming Language, the fabs function returns the absolute value of a floating-point number

What is parameter is parameter is?

formal parameter is we accept in function body/defination actual parameter is we pass from calling function to function body. Ex : int a,b; void add (a,b) ; where a & b is actual parameter // calling function void add(int i,int j) where i & j are formal parameter // function body { } By Darshan Paliwal

What parameter to a function is one for which an automatic value is supplied if do not explicitly use one in C programming?

You are referring to default arguments. However, C does not support default arguments. That's a C++ feature.

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The function of the replace parameter in Oracle is to replace a sequence of characters in a string with other characters, usually in sets of characters.

Why you are using VOID in C programming?

You don't use 'VOID', but 'void'. It means different things, such as:- void as function type means no return value- void as function parameter means no parameters- 'void *' as pointer-types means generic pointer

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When calling a function, passing a variable's address as function parameter.

What does the cons function do in clojure?

Returns a new sequence where the first parameter is the first element and the second parameter is the rest.