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Q: How do you account the lack of energy people who are anaemic?
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What do you mean by energy crisis?

energy crisis is generally explained as the lack of energy when people are suffering from lack of energy eg they are not provided enough electricity or gas

What are signs of being anaemic?

Anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body. Signs of being anemic include paleness, lethargy and loss of concentration.

How can unbalanced diet cause anemia?

Anaemia: Caused by iron deficiency, iron is used for making red blood cells & in the body's use of oxygen. Symptoms include fatigue & lack of energy, weakness & brittle fingernails. People of Asian origin may be more at risk of becoming anaemic as a traditional Asian diet maight not provide enough iron. x

Does a lack of sleep cause a lack of energy?

Absolutely Your body uses sleep as a rebuilding time for muscles. Your muscles use energy most efficiently. If they never have time to recover then they cannot work properly. Therefore your energy can be depleted. However, lack of energy can be a sign of more serious issues such as anemia or thyroid problems. If this is an on going problem you should definitely consult your physician.

What are 2 reasons that fossil fuels currently account for the majority of the worlds energy use?

The overall easy availability and abundence of the material The lack of an alternative that actually works.

How is lack of oxygen related to lack of energy?

We use oxygen to burn sugar to make ATP energy. ATP is cellular money and without it many processes cannot occur. Depletion in ATP energy can be felt by lack of energy.

What is lack of energy?


What can lack of appetite lack of energy and runny nose be?

aids. get tested.

What effect when energy is lack?


How has Costa Rica been affected by child labor?

by having child labor it will make the population decrease because all the people who died from starvation, lack of malnutrition, and from lack of energy

Are there any foods that cause a lack of energy in people?

Foods that are difficult to digest can cause a lack of energy, as can overeating of any food, as the body diverts resources to the digestive system and away from other functions. It is also said that eating turkey can cause a feeling of drowsiness or lack of energy due to its L-tryptophan content, although research is mixed on the subject and some call it a myth.

How does heat waves effect people?

a heat wave can cause : dehydration, heat stroke, lethargy which is lack of energy or sleepiness