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Sometimes all a girl wants to hear is "I'm sorry".

-Lacie Mae

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Q: How do you appologize to a girl?
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Related questions

How do you get him back after you tell him not to call?

Appologize in a public place.

How do you spell appologize?

it is correctly spelled apologize

What do you do to get a girl back?

do something to show her that you messed up. even if you didnt do anything. take it from a girl. we love to hear guys admit that the fscrewed up. we know its hard for you, that's why we love it. so write her a song, or if you are not that kind of guy, just appologize. and really mean it. we can tell when you don't mean it.

Suspended by Lincoln?

I'm on the same OdysseyWare question, unfortunately when I clicked to view the answer, it asked me to answer it -_- so, I appologize, but I don't have the answer to your question.

How do you discipline a 4 year old kid?

you tell them that what the did was worng, and that your gonna give them a choice: either appologize nicley, or have a spanking.

How do you be an Indian?

Drink too much beer, beat your wife, and get on welfare... Oh, wait, you said Indian, not native american, I appologize.

How do you spell sorrie?

I assume you mean sorry, as in to appologize or make mends with someone. S-o-r-r-y (saw-ree)

Is my sentence correct - We apologize for taking part of your time while doing this?

Personally, I would say "We appologize if we are taking up some of your time"

About when was a Browning 12 gauge over-under with a straight grip not a lot of engraving Belgian made serial 69xxx s made?

Appologize for the late answer it was made in 1969

Where is the HM move strenghth at in HeartGold?

go to the eastern passage and go near the cave you'll see and a caveman will come out of the cave and bump into you. he will appologize and give you the strength hm

When your brother is mad what do you do?

being honest always works. just appologize if you were wrong cause forgiving and forgetting doesent always work sometimes you need to be the bigger person and resolve it

What if your girlfriend of 2 years gets really really drunk and kisses another guy at a party then does everything in her power to appologize?

Be strict and tell her that she has to know what she's doing but I'd take her appology!