

How do you ask a guy out if your shy?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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first get his number .Then start talking to him. Then you just ask him.But if he says No then say can we stay friends .GOOD LUCK!

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13y ago

That's an easyone. Just ask your friend to ask him out for you! Trust me, iv'e done it before!

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You can ask him by straight asking him that. If you're shy, you can ask a friend to introduce.

How do you know if a guy is too shy to ask you out?

Does he blush when you smile at him? Does he stutter or stammer when you try to talk to him? Ask him out! I'll bet he won't be shy after that.

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if its a guy you like then see if he likes you first. If he does the next thing you do is see if he has a date and if he dosent ask him dont be shy to ask him.

You want to ask this guy out that you have a crush on but you are too shy to ask him out what should you do?

Easy... Ask him out simply just ask him out, get out there girl he'll love I bet! This question is asking ( BUT YOU ARE SHY ) a shy person cannot easily go and ask a boy out, they need to have the guts to do that.

If you like a guy and you want to know if he likes you how would you ask him?

dont be shy and ask him if he likes you?

I like a guy a lot but I'm too shy to ask him out?

why dont you ask him on line ? , or get on of your friends to ask him for you (L)?

Is it true that a shy guy will have a tougher time dating than a shy woman because women don't ask guys out but a shy woman is bound to be asked out by some a guy?

It is, until he overcomes his shyness.

How do you get a guy to ask you out if you think he likes you but are to shy to ask?

Alright... if u think this guy likes u then don't be shy just go up and ask him in person or write a note .... or get one of your best friends to ask for u ... hope this helps ....Best of Luck!!!1

How can you get the guy you like to ask you out even though he is really shy?

touch his balls