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get one of your friends to ask him and if he says no just move on.

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Q: How do you ask a guy out when your scared he will laugh in your face?
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What do you do if your too scared to ask a guy out because you think they will laugh?

you can have a friend ask him if he likes you and if he likes you then you can give him hints that you want him to ask you out.

What does it mean when a guy asks you out on the phone?

I think it means he scared to ask you face to face. true dat !

What is the difference between a guy whos being shy to ask you out and a guy whos afraid of rejection to ask you out?

Well a guy who's to shy to ask you out is that hes to scared to do it because he's nervous and his friends will laugh at him But a guy who's afraid of rejection is to scared because he's afraid you will reject him and you'll never be his friend of girlfriend Believe me everyone says I'm never stressed but most boys picture the worst case scenario.

What does it mean when a guy looks at you constantly when you are talking in a conversation?

well it could mean he is actually paying attention to what your saying, or he has a crush on you and is scared you'll laugh at him if he tells you. Why don't you ask him?

How do you control your face from turning red when talking to the guy that you have a huge crush on and you think he likes you too?

try by not being scared , ask him if he likes you

What does it mean when a guy is to scared to ask you out?

means there scared to get rejected and look bad.

Why does a boy have to tell their friend to ask you out for him?

because he's scared to do it himself OR he's scared you'll reject him to his face and he doesn't want you to see how much he liked you if you rejected him. I've done the same thing (except I'm a girl) I've had my friend ask a guy out for me.

How do you get an older guy to slow dance with you?

You ask them nicely. Be courageous and don't get scared.

Does he like you or is he just being nice to you?

Well , if he compliments you , and you start to really like him . And your sure he likes you ! Ask him. What's to lose ? Theirs ton's of guy's out there. If your scared to ask him to his face , chat him up on facebook, text or a phone call !

What is the best way to find out if a guy has a crush on you?

For many people they either ask there friends to ask the guy who she likes or they just ask themselves. There are plenty of signs if a guy likes you. Like if he smiles at you alot or he makes you laugh.

How do you text him without bugging him?

Just ask him if you bug him don't be scared to ask if you are then you know he isn't a true guy to be with

What to do if you like a guy but isn't one of your friends and scared to talk to him?

maybe ask a friend instead or someone close to you instead for some advice someone that your confident and not scared to ask firstly you should not be scared to talk the guy. than u should confirm about his friends and than u ask about him after that u will be able to make decisson about him.