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personally if i have menstrual cramps then i do NOT stay at home lying on a bed all day with a hot water bottle feeling sorry for myself... what i do (and it really helps) is i exercise to keep my mind off it. i do Ballet, so i would attend ballet class. When i arrive at ballet i have cramps but during class, i realise they GO AWAY!!! also if i take a walk they seem to go, but i find that dancing is the best way to get rid of the cramps...

then theres the other option which is to take medication, but i never have to, because the dancing helps!

hope this works for u!

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I just sit by the fire and text people.

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Q: How do you avoid the pain of period?
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How do you get period pain to go away?

by walking for at least half an hour in order to release it. Also you should drink hot anise or mint. try to avoid coffee. if the pain in unbearable, i believe you should take a pain killer.

You are getting pain after your period what is this?

Many females get slight pain after their period. This pain could be a reaction to the hormones in your system.

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Take drug and avoid sugar

What is the difference between cramping and period pain?

period pain is more lower than cramping and cramping is more pain when you are moving(motion)

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during period i am having severe pain in lower abdomen and back

Can you do running in periods?

Yes of course! In fact plenty of physical activity helps to avoid period cramp and prevents blockages in the filopian tubes - which is what causes the pain. Run all you want!

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If you are having pain 20 days after your period this could be ovulation. It could also be an ovarian cyst causing you pain.

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to avoid digression

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then you were on your period. pain & blood is often associated with the menstrual cycle.