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Answer 1:

Simple it's one or the other!!! Just think what if this was your mother/father or son/daughter this was happening to? Or even yourself it's very hurtful!!!

Answer 2:

There's always a solution on how you can balance your double life. Man or woman always done it in the past, but the question is which one do you want to keep and which one do you want to loose? If you are willing to sacrifices one of them, then your plan on having double life might work. Most men wants to keep both, but at the end he is the one that will loose a lot. We all can't have our cake and eat to at the same time.

The only people that I knew who wanted to have double life is cold less person that only think of himself and at the end it is him that end up having empty life. This will be your own decision, no one else.

Answer 3:

In the first "Matrix" the police were told to wait on the arrival of a special agent before entering a room to apprehend a suspect. (A suspect who had super human powers that they did not know of.) When the special agent arrived, the police lieutenant dismissed all this, and said that his men had already gone up there and would have the suspect shortly.

The special agent replied, "Your men are already dead." And true enough, they were, and the agent knew this was inevitable from the moment the police started to climb the stairs.

The same answer style applies to you. "You have already been caught." Because the inevitability of your "double life" being caught is as certain as predicting a rock will hit the ground when it drops from your hand. As inevitable as that when the boss sleeps with the secretary, the mail clerk in the regional office five states away knows of it.

Your spouse isn't ignorant, they are just hurting and frightened.

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