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Go to college, get a nursing degree, and work your way into that specialty.

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Q: How do you be a perinatal nurse?
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Perinatal Nurse?

A Perinatal Nurse serves a very important role in a pregnant woman’s health. A Perinatal Nurse provides information to the expecting mother to learn how to take care of her body properly in order to have a healthy pregnancy. They also offer care during the labor and delivery process, as well as post partum care to the mother and newborn. For the expecting mother a Perinatal Nurse will first speak with her at every check up. The Perinatal Nurse prepares the pregnant woman for her examination with the physician. They first will check vital signs including temperature, blood pressure, weight, and report any issues or concerns that the pregnant woman may have. The Perinatal Nurse is an assistant to the OB/GYN. He or She will sometimes administer urine tests and lab work, as well as answer questions that the pregnant woman may have. If a woman is considered a high- risk patient, the Perinatal Nurse can offer special care; especially for those who have pregnancy complications including gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. The Perinatal Nurse may also assist the doctor in the labor and delivery room. They will help the OB/GYN with the delivery process, as well as keep the patient calm while she gives birth. After the mother has given birth, the Perinatal Nurse will provide special care to the new mother. A Perinatal Nurse will assist the mother in tasks including bathing and using the restroom. Also, they will teach her how to care for any stitches they may have gotten during the birthing process. A Perinatal Nurse furthermore will offer advice on whether the mother should breast feed or formula feed the new baby. If the mother chooses to breast feed, the Perinatal Nurse will offer guidance to the new mother to start this process. For a formula fed baby, the Perinatal Nurse may assist the mother with proper feeding techniques. The Perinatal Nurse will help aid the mother by showing her appropriate ways to hold and feed the newborn baby. A Perinatal Nurse will make sure that the new mother has been properly counseled and instructed before she is released from the hospital. The mother usually will not leave until she is confident enough to care for the newborn at home on her own. The Perinatal Nurse will explain to the new mother what she should look for as a sign of infection or other problems. They will remain on call for the mother if she has further questions. When the mother attends her 6 week check up she will once again be assisted by the Perinatal Nurse to make sure everything is going well. A Perinatal Nurse is a very challenging and rewarding career.

How do you spell perinatal?

That is the correct spelling of the adjective "perinatal" (around the time of birth).

When is perinatal transmission most likely?

Perinatal transmission is more likely if the waters break prematurely.

What is the suffix in the term perinatal?

The suffix in the term "perinatal" is "-natal," which refers to birth or relating to birth.

What does perinatal mean?

The word perinatal means relating to a period slightly before and after birth. This is usually considered to be a couple of weeks.

When does Perinatal asphyxia come?

Perinatal asphyxia can occur a long time before birth, shortly before birth, during delivery, or after birth

Which chapter in the ICD-10 contains codes for the perinatal period?

Chapter 16 is the chapter in the ICD-10 that contains codes for the perinatal period.

What is the definition of perinatal conditions?

A condition to do with pregnancy

What is birth also called?

Perinatal asphyxia

What is birth asphyxia also called?

Perinatal asphyxia

What is perinatal asphyxia also called?

birth asphyxia

How do perinatal transmissions infect the fetus?

Perinatal transmissions infect the fetus after its protective membranes rupture--the waters break--and during labor and delivery when the fetus is exposed to maternal blood.