

How do you be aneroxic?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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14y ago

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You should never want to be anorexic. Anorexia is a very dangerous disorder. It hurts a person mentally, and can be devasting physically. It can lead to many health and mental health complications, along with death in about 20% of the cases.

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Q: How do you be aneroxic?
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I'm always full but I have to force myself to eat so my parents dont think I'm becoming aneroxic again. What do you do?

You could monitor the number of calories you eat. This would provide an objective measurement of if you are eating a healthy amount.

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Don't try to feed them. More likely than not, you will come off as confrontational and that is not good. Instead, let your friedn know that you care about them and try to gte them help in a rehab or treatment facility. There, professionals and doctors will know how to feed / medicate / help your friend so that they can regain their health once more.

What if there is a lack of leptin and cck production?

Both are suppose to be satiety hormones (aneroxic) and the lack of these two production may cause increased food intake. There by possiblity for obesity is high.Volkoff H., E. A. J. a. P. R. E., 2003. Role of leptin in the control of feeding of goldfish Carassius auratus: interactions with cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y and orexin A, and modulation by fasting. Brain Research -Elsevier Science B.V. 972, 90-109

What is the side effects of aneroxic nervosa?

Answer:there are many awful side effects of anorexia nervosa: Because the anorexic is starving themselves, they tend to have numerous health issues, such as low blood pressure, brittle nails, and irregular heart rhythm. In extreme cases the resting heart rate is so low, that the person is near death and/or ends up dying. Because many anorexics also refuse to drink enough water, they can also experience kidney failure. Other effects include psychological problems like anxiety, weakness, dry skin, and shortness of breath. Anorexics also tend to suffer from bone loss due to low food intake. This leads to stunted growth and development of osteoporosis. One of the worst effects of anorexia includes death. As many as 15% of the people suffering from this disease actually die as a direct result of it, either by heart failure, kidney failure, or other organ failure. Many anorexics even commit suicide as a result of the conflicting emotional problems they suffer from.Some other side effects include: growth of fine hair all over the body, and loss of hair (usually in chunks) on their head. this occurs because they aren't getting the nutrition that they need. Also dizzyness/light-headedness, and fainting.Also, because your brain and body don't get the nutrition they need, the anorexic is at risk of having heart attacks and seizures, which can become something that effects them for the rest of their lives (there are people who suffered severe anorexia as a teenager, and cannot drive vehicals because they still have seizures because they starved their brain for so long)When you starve yourself, your body is forced to live off whatever you have in your body. This includes muscles and fat (there is debate on which the body feeds off first) And when the body has used up all its fat reserves and can no longer feed off muscles, it reverts to consuming it's own organs. And death will insue.hope this helps!!

What is the weight of an anorexic person?

Technically, in order to be considered anorexic, you need to fulfil various criteria, one of which is weight related. If you are to be clinically considered anorexic, your Body Mass Index (BMI) needs to be 17.5 or lower. To work out your BMI, divide your weight in kg by the square of your height in m. Eg If you are 150 cm tall and weigh 50 kg, 50/(1.5)^2 = 22.2 Other criteria used to diagnose anorexia include a distorted body image, extreme calorie restriction by the individual and (in females) the absence of at least 3 menstrual periods. In short, the so called weight limit depends on your height.