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In LEGO Star Wars II, this is the bare minimum just so you know, you go over to the right until you see a gap. Fight off Tusken Raiders if you have to. Smash the LEGO under the rock with Luke, and then use Obi Wan when you can't blast it any more. Go over the rock bridge and onto the other side. Go into the valley and go to the end until you slide down the slope. Again you might need to fight off Tusken Raiders. Use force with Obi Wan on the shrakle from the droid escape pod to make a platform. Go up it.

Now go over to the right and build the push block and push it forward until it won't move. Jump up (you've probably destroyed the Tuskens by now) and do a double jump over the ledges and on to the other side. Follow the path up to the sandcrawler and stack the containers using force. Then force the ledge down. Build a grapple point to get up to the ledge and pull the lever. Have Obi Wan pull down a second ledge. Jump up to the grapple ledge to get to one Obi Wan pulled down. Pull the lever to activate the elevator. Go up, wait for your counterpart, and pull one lever, while your friend pulls the other one. The will move the screen down to show the suction on the funnel thing. Jump down, walk under it, and get shlurped up.

Inside the sandcrawler, follow the path of the hall till you turn. Slash five of the barrier things that block the wheels. Use force on the five. This will open the door. Force all wheels to get the contained Blue Studs. Once inside the room, pull the lever, which will drop the crate and push it along the track to R2-D2. Once the kaboom has kaboomed, tag R2 and use him on the droid panel. Go in, and let the elevator do it's thing.

Upstairs, you have the run over the panels before they pop up to reveal a lever. Do this with both sides. Pull one of the levers and enter.

In this room, KILL ALL THE JAWAS, because they will deactivate your droids for a short your all wrong jump off the cliff use the force the get your self killed theres a glitch in the game

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12y ago
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15y ago

Starting Characters: Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia (Bespin), Chewbacca

Added Characters: R2-D2, C-3PO

Enemies: Stormtrooper, Beach Trooper, Imperial Officer, Boba Fett

True Jedi at 34,000: Wall structures made of bricks are breakable. The

long corridor with the third blue and white module has lots of them to

break, including ones stacked on top of them, so gun them all down.

Area 1: Go straight ahead, chasing Fett and gunning down stormies. Fett

will pull a lever to turn stairs into a ramp. Blast the nearby wall to find

another level which will reverse it. Continue up the passage, following

Fett. You'll fight him for a little bit, here. Shoot him as he jets

around to drain his hearts, then follow him back out of the room. He'll

operate a green circle, so follow him through that. Keep tailing him until

the end of the corridor. Fett will take off in his ship, Slave I, leaving

you behind, but at least you'll find Artoo. Head back the way you came,

because there are plenty of doors for Artoo to use. You'll notice there

are now steam vents open. Go into the steam as Artoo and use the Artoo panel

to shut them down so everyone else can pass. Continue back along the

corridor until you find another Artoo door. Open it to find the garbage

room. Take out the Ugnaughts and clear away the garbage. Push the plug

back into its socket and pull the lever to get all of Threepio's pieces.

Put him back together and now you've got him, and you can access the Threepio

panel nearby. You'll need the helmet dispenser in the next room eventually,

but for now, just run ahead and clear the place out. You'll come upon two

elevators. The right-hand elevator has a white circle, and the left-hand

one has a green circle. Naturally, you need to use the helmet dispenser

earlier and use the white circle to move ahead, just watch out for incoming


Area 2: Take out all the troopers here, then assemble the grapple point

that rains down. Grapple across, then hop in the crane and use the magnet

to get the droids over to your side. Grapple up another level and assemble

the lever. Pull it to get the elevator moving to get the droids up to

your level. Now, either double jump or float past the red beams which

keep the conveyor moving, then hold down the switch so everyone can get

cross without being pushed back. Manuever Artoo around the little

obstruction and float him across to the panel to allow the non-droids to get

across, but you still need to get Threepio to your area, and he can't jump

over the gray object in his way. Grapple up to the top and blast the thing

hanging to drop it on the obstruction so Threepio can get by. Have him

access the door panel to open it, then press on through this corridor. At

the end, have Artoo get rid of the steam jets and proceed to the back of

the room.

Area 3: There's the Falcon. Step on both sets of buttons to fix the levers,

then pull both to extend the bridge to the ship. Head back out.

Area 4: Follow the wall past the vents to another Artoo door. Head on out.

Area 5: Now, you just have to take out a ton of troopers guarding the

Millenium Falcon. Once the ramp opens, enter to complete the mission.

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15y ago

(For everything but DS) First, pilot the snowspeeder over to a towable bomb area. Use the tow cable to drag the bomb behind you. If a probe droid grabs on too, turn around and shoot it. There should be a barred-up entrance to a tunnel. Turn around (don't flip, turn), causing the bomb to crash into the bars. If you miss, try again. Once you blow it up, fly into the entrance and come out on the other end of the tunnel to find two AT-ATs waiting when you explore. Use that tow cable again to hook onto the AT-AT closest to the bombs. Fly around it until it trips. Tow a bomb and turn when you are near the All-Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT), blowing it up. Repeat for the next AT. Tow another bomb into the wall now. Then the next barricaded entrance. You should be in a clearing. Destroy what the little circles tell you to. That's it.

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12y ago

I can recommend a site for you go. See the related link below.

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14y ago

Take your time and don't run into the laser's. I've beaten the game and that level by just shooting everywhere when I was 8. Pacience young one.

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14y ago

You should really try to finish it on your own, but next time try searching YouTube. That's the whole level, and fight.

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15y ago

there is no movie one level 6

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12y ago

no i don't play that game

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9y ago

With skills

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The instructions are under the episode 4-6 folder under this link: