

Best Answer

First you have to go into the costume shop. Then talk to the guy. He will give you a licence. Then go to the water and swim over to the prison. Talk to everyone. You should retrieve a folder that gives you information on the prisoners and some anti- power handcuffs. After that You can start finding the prisoners.

How to catch

Copy cat: find all the copies of her (don't forget the lights or the upstairs.)

Sir reberal: He will throw rocks at you. Jump up near him and he will hit himself.

Then he will start to throw pieces of ground at you. What you do is push the Boulder that is there in the correct place to hit him again and knock him out.

Rat man: Go into the boy/girls room and press on the hole in the floor. That will bring you to the sewers. Press the latches and the water will sink/rise. Then you will get to his hideout. just simply Dodge the rats and jump on the pipes to get to the latch that will pour water on him. this will make the bees mad. They will get mad at you and sting you. avoid them and get to him so you can arrest him.

Crusher: Jump when he stomps on the ground so he doesnt knock you off the garbage. Go jump beside him then run and jump on the yellow tower. Jump more to the rhythm of his stomps all the way to the top if the tower. Pull the lever. This sould make something fall on him. then he will get mad and start THROWING stuff at you. Dodge everything and all the stomps and pull the lever again. Arrest him.

Speeding spike: Jump out of the way he sould accidently go into the next cabbin. Go all the way to the back cabbin where there is a wet sign. get him to slip on the water and arrest him.

Betty jetty: go to the telephone booth and answer the phone. You will then get the power to fly. Fly to the top of the one building and fight her. Dodge all the things she throws at you.

To get the metal you will have to give a hotdog to ned noodlehead. (find him in the comic shop.


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