

Best Answer

Image Fashion

1. Go through your wardrobe. Make a keep pile and a Give Away/Throw out pile. You should keep anything fashionable. Your style should be girly-Glamorous with a touch of your own personal style.

2. In the give away pile put anything cheap, ugly, too big, too small and casual GET RID OF ALL CASUAL CLOTHES!!!!!

2. Go shopping, I've made a shopping list for you at the end

Body and Figure

1. Excersise, I know you've heard this a thousand times, but it works. NO SPORTS! The most popular girl is always girly. So do gymnastics, cheer-leading, running, horse riding, or even tennis.

2. Eat right. Try to cut down on junk food and eat a lot of fruit and vedgetables

3. Drink Lots of water


1. Brush every morning, afternoon and night

2. Use Mouthwash

3. Always have breath mints on hand

4. Use an electric toothbrush and whitening toothpaste


1. Brush your hair Before school, in the bathroom at lunchtime and break time, after school and in the evening.

2. Style your hair in a different way every day, use cute accessories and make your hair totally fabulous

Reputation and building up to popularity


1. If you already have BFF's (best friends) then tell them you want to form a clique with you as the alpha, do whatever it takes to convince them. If they say they don't want to do it gradually, earn their trust and get them to listen to you, you'll become a clique and they won't realise it when your doing all cliquey stuff together.

2. If you don't have BFF's look around the school. are there fabulous girls that always say they want to be in a clique? are there girls who with a little work could be fabulous with no friends that will do anything? Give them a makeover, make them Clique Material.

3. Once you have the clique, decide on positions. There should be an alpha (leader) which should be you, a beta (2nd in command) Gamma (3rd) and a delta (4th)

Alpha - The leader. The one the girls listen too and look up to, usually the most stylish and fashionable.

Beta - 2nd in command to the alpha. Beta's are usually known to be the most beautiful girls in the clique and the biggest gossip. They usually have lots of good gossip. The Beta should have the 2nd best fashion sense in the group. If the Alpha is ever ill the Beta takes her place. A Beta is a follower but also a leader and helps the Alpha, they are the Alpha's best friend and knows the most about her.

The Gamma - 3rd in command. Usually the happiest member of the group and has no problem with obeying the alpha, but occasionally speaks her mind. She should have a great smile.

The Delta - 4th in command and the biggest follower of the group. Should be the best listener, but not some annoying clingy wannabe.

4. You should be in the middle when you walk, your beta on your left, the Delta on her left, the Gamma on your right.

5. Do cliquey things. Go shopping, have a spa-day, hang out.

6. Have a lunch table you sit at every day, sit in a circle with you the most visible.

7. If you are allowed, have sleepovers every week or every few weeks. You should be the host and the sleepovers should be fabulous.

8. Have something you all wear, Like a piece of jewellery, a jacket etc.

9. Have rules and a dress code

Becoming Popular

1. Talk to people, even if it's just saying "Hi" in the hallway, people love having conversations

2. Have Self-confidence

3. Smile! you may have every reason to be ticked off but everyone else might not know that. Be positive, and if you have something negative to say then say something positive to go with it (be negative in a positive way)

4. Get acquaintances.

5. Give people compliments every day

6. If someone is mean to you, insult them, but otherwise be nice. Be nice to those who are nice to you, civil to those who you think are OK but not friends, and horrible to your enemies.

7. Learn to brag without sounding self-absorbed

8. Be a little bit bossy but in a cute way.


Slang, gossip and trends

1. Be up to date on the latest gossip, at school and with celebs. Check magazines and if you hear some gossip at school, great.

2. A little gossip never hurt anyone, spread it around. If someone humiliates you, spread a rumour about them, it doesn't have to be true, does it?

2. Try to pick up on slang and try to start a few slang words, getting your clique to use them.

3. Start a trend with your clique!

Shopping list


Sparkly/sequin tops in pink, blue and purple

A white top with sparkes/sequins

Pink tops

Pink dresses

Denim skirts

Mini skirts

Long skirts

Skinny jeans in blue, black, grey and white

jackets that are CUTE

any other glamorous/girlie/fashionable/elegant clothes


a silver necklace with the first letter of your name on it

a silver necklace with a star on it

a silver necklace with a heart on it

a silver necklace with dangly bits on it

a silver necklace with a circle on it

A gold necklace with the first letter of your name on it

a few necklaces with big beads

a few long necklaces to wear with shorter ones

a mood ring

a silver ring with a heart on it

a diamond ring

a ring with a precious stone in it (Ruby, Sapphire)

a gold ring

a set of silver bangles

a set of pink bangles

a set of blue bangles

a set of purple bangles

cute bracelets

a charm bracelet


a lot of bobbles in all different colours

a few bandanna's ilon a lot of different colours

a headband with a purple flower on it

Hair extensions

lots of cute headbands

School Supplies

fluffy ended pens

gel pens

a pen that's pink but writes blue

cute pens

cute pencils

a fluffy pencil case

a cute school bag


oversized sunglasses

CD's of the latest songs (if you want you can make one of your own of your and your cliques favourite songs)

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15y ago

Have Confidence! When you believe in yourself that you're hott, and you're irresitible and anything else you want to be, people are drawn to it! You don't necciceraly have to have the perfect body, hair, or clothes but if you woek it right you WILL be the girl everyone wants!

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Q: How do you become the most popular girl in school?
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How do you be the most popular girl iin school?

simple by haveing the most people like you in school

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I do hate to say it but above all Miley Cyrus has become the most popular/famous girl.

How do you be most popular girl in school?

if you mean popular like most of the population of the school knows you, than you make friends with more people. but if you wanna be like the popular rude kind, you sorta gotta buy them stuff and you become popular.............but go with the one with the more people know you thing..... its better

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Be Yourself. Make loads of friends. Be friends with some boys (hottest boy in your school would be better). That's what i did when i first came to my last years school after 1 month MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL (:. hope i helped you. Good Luck.

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you just making it so complicated GIRL, if his the most popular you have to try and be the most popular, Look it's really simple become friends with everyone have sleep overs and everything play out with them and all that. Becuase a popular boy always wants a girlfriend that is the most poplar.

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I do hate to say it but above all Miley Cyrus has become the most popular/famous girl.

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be a pimp! And get awesome !

How can you be the most popular girl in skool?

Be pretty and wear really cute clothes. Be good in school but don't act really smart. Make people laugh and just talk and be nice to everyone. Don't hang out with people not popular just become friends with the more so popular. Become a cheerleader and so other activities. All I did and I am the most popular and all the boys love me! :)

In The Revealers who did the seventh grade girls have to be accepted by if they wanted to be in the most popular group?

Bethany DeMere of course. SShe was the most popular girl in the school.

You are a semi popular girl who hangs out with a lot of semi and popular people and on Facebook a random popular kid from another school adds you are you going to become popular?

Sorry to say this, but... probably not. There is a very low chance that you are going to become popular.If you are in middle school or elementary school, the chances are higher, because if that random popular kid is going to go to the same middle/high school that you are going to go to, and you two become friends, you will most likely be accepted and become popular.If you are in a high school, the chances are pretty much zero, due to the fact that after high school, becoming popular is being stalked by the media (paparazzi), and really becoming famous (like television famous), since 'popularity' doesn't exist in colleges or universities.

Are there any movies where a girl falls in love with the most popular guy at her school?

Not another teen movie.