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Q: How do you calculate the epm for SO4?
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What is EPM in garment ind?

EPM means Earning per minute. When we calculate CM we need to know EPM. Example SMVxEPM=CM.

How do you calculate the valency of Na in Na2SO4?

The anion (SO4)2- is divalent; the cation Na+ is monovalent.

What are the symptoms of EPM?

EPM can present with any number of neurological deficits. Lack of coordination, stumbling, dragging toes and asymmetrical loss of muscle are common signs of EPM. EPM does not present with a fever which is one of the signs used to differentiate it from infectious neurological diseases such as Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis or West Nile Virus.

What causes EPM in horses?

The feces of opossums may contain sporocysts - cysts that contain spores that can reproduce asexually. Horses can ingest these sporocysts with feed, grass or water contaminated with opossum feces. The protozoa can leave lesions on the spinal cord and brain stem. It is this neurological damage that can cause the various symptoms of EPM.

What is the name of the molecule SO4?

SO4 is not a molecule. (SO4)2- is the sulfate ion.

How many atoms are there in SO4?


What is the speed of the waves?

That means how fast it advances.

Can a horse get EPM from another horse's fecal matter?

No, EPM is not transmitted from horse to horse. EPM is contracted by eating feedstuffs or drinking water that has been contaminated by oppossum feces wich contain S. neurona sporocysts--this is the infective stage of the S. neurona lifecycle. This infective stage is not shed in equine feces.

Does Kentucky vaccinate against EPM?

While some veterinarians in Kentucky may have vaccinated against EPM in the past, there is no longer and EPM vaccine on the market. Fort Dodge, while able to prove the safety of their vaccine and having it conditionally licensed for several years, could not prove efficacy and so lost the license for the vaccine.

Can you horse have a normal life after EPM and treatment?

Yes, some horses do return to a normal life after EPM treatment. An early diagnosis and effective, appropriate treatment increase the chances of a good recovery.

How do I balance Ba(SO4) + KCl?

Ba(SO4) + 2KCl

What is so4 stand for?

It is SO4 -2 named as sulphate ion.