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you don't need to care for a bite because it is normally like a little paper cut but algergater tortoises will bite your finger LITERLY

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Q: How do you care for a tortoise bite?
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Does tortoise has the strongest bite?

snapping turtles have strong bite i dont know about the strongest tho

How can a human be friends with a tortoise?

Tortoise are animals and some people used them as pet. If there are used as pets, it is natural to care for them.

How do you take care of a baby tortoise?

Ask Kayla Fishbach

What kind of defense does a tortoise have?

some tortoise bite some can scratch. but most dont need to defend them selves. that is why they have shells. they also can hiss to scare away any predators.

How long does a greek tortoise take care of her off-springs?

They don't.

When a tortoise bite why is it painful even though they have no teeth?

A tortoise has a pointy tip at the front of its mouth like a bird beak. so its either the tip of the mouth that hurts your hand or that its jaws are very powerful.

Is it hard keeping a tortoise?

If you can take care of big responsibility, no. If you cannot, then yes it is.

Items needed to care for your tortoise?

Mainly food, water, and water "blower."

What animal have a shell and lay eggs and take care of its young?

A turtle or tortoise

How do you stop a tortoise biting you?

Keep your hand away from its mouth while feeding it. I had one that would bite but I learned my lesson.

Does a tortoise bite you?

Do sharp-toothed lizards bite? If you don't think so, I would like to see you stick a finger into my smaller male's mouth. My other tortoise's bite took the skin off my finger a few years ago. She takes mostly everything from me gingerly in small bites now, but I think it's because she doesn't want to taste blood again. She still wolfs down bigger pieces.

Should you buy a turtle or a tortoise?

I think you should buy a tortoise because they are much easier to care for since they dont need to have instant access to a lot of water.