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Go to shopping then beauty clinic then you can change it

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Q: How do you change skin color back to normal on moviestarplanet?
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You just go to another island and you'll find your skin back to normal.

How do you get bill back to his normal self on Pokemon Game Boy Color?

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yes your skin will go back to its normal color because it will just be for a while and then come back to its normal color and that will take a month.

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dye it the color that you bought it as. If it was white, dye it white. it will be back to normal.

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Go back to where you changed it and tell them to change back.

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What is the styles purpose in Microsoft Word?

To quickly change font size and color without having to take the time to go to font size, change it, go to font color, change it, and depending on the style, go to underline, and click on it. Also, if you switch styles, as soon as you press enter it will go back to normal.