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Q: How do you change the finisher of a created superstar?
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How do you change a finisher to your created superstar in smackdown vs raw 2011?

Hey I was wondering that also and I went through everything in the game and finally found out how to change it.. if you havent figured it out already you have to go into 'Create-A-Moveset' and pick a finisher out of the chosen ones or your created one. and you can also change pretty much every move.

How do you give a finisher to a created superstar on smackdown vs raw 2010?

you first go into create a move set in the create-a menu. you click on created superstar and then find the person you want. click on them. go down to special moves. click on created finishers and find the finisher you want.

Is the atomic leg drop in smackdown vs raw 2010?

no but you can use it for a created superstar finisher move

What superstar finisher can you create in smackdown vs raw 2009?

You can create nearly every finisher using create-a-finisher.

How do you get your created superstar to hit their signiture move not the finisher when the computer fights with them on smackdown vs raw 09?

you cant

Can you make a tag team finisher in svr 2011?

You cannot create a tag team finisher in Smackdown vs. Raw 2011. However, you can give your created superstar a premade one in create-a-moveset.

How do you copy opponent finisher in svr 2011 ps2?

first go to create a move set then pick the superstar if created or in the game go to abilities and pick move thief and when u have a finisher move press R1 + triangle then he will make it

How do you make a finisher in sd vs raw 2007?

In svr 2007 you cannot make a finisher you can only pick one in the in the superstar moveset selection.

Where Is create a finisher for smackdown vs raw 2009?

You can find create-a-finisher in create modes on the main menu, where create-a-superstar and create-a-moveset are.

How do you do both finisher moves with John Morrison smackdown vs raw 2011?

You don't need to do two finishers you just need to do one finisher two times I found that out when I was doing my created superstar RTWM (Road To WrestleMania) vs. Undertaker

How do you give a created finisher to a superstar on WWE Smack Down vs. Raw 2009?

You cannot do it, you can give finishers in 2009 but you can't in the 2011, 2010 and 2012 versions.

How do you do your opponents finisher in Smackdown vs Raw 2009?

Your superstar must have the ability of 'Move Theft'