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Only reinstall the program in English, then, you must go to the installation folder, get in the "AMT" folder, open "application.xml" with the notepad (in admin mode, selecting All Files when looking for it), look for the line that says "<Data key="AMTConfigPath">C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Audition CS6\AMT\application.xml</Data><Data key="DefaultDriverPayload">{30FD541D-3C9D-41C4-B240-A994EE4E0231}</Data><Data key="InstallDate">1372014824</Data><Data key="driverAMTConfigPath">C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Audition CS6\AMT\application.xml</Data><Data key="driverLEID">Audition-CS6-Win-GM</Data><Data key="installedLanguages">de_DE,en_US</Data></Payload>", delete the "de_DE," leaving only the en_US and save. Now open the program and will be in English.

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Q: How do you change the setting in adobe audition cs6 from German to english?
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no , you probably can't, you bought the German full version. sorry. I am about 90% sure you cant change it. DON'T BLAME ME.

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You can't. The game is programmed to the region/language. Unless you hack it and patch it into English.

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Brendan. They would just use the English name since there's not a different German equivalent.

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Patch the game with the latest English patch and it&acute;ll run in English, menues are in English too now (my game was all German before!).

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If you mean translating, you can go to and type the text. It's what I use, and I love it!

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To change your password on Audition Online just Log-in to your account then click welcome then click change Password (Well you must remember your as well)I HOPE I HELP U VERY MUCH.. (xD xD)GoodLuck to youMade by; Camille AminoAdd me on your friends (Audition)