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For a maintenance free battery, you need an automatic charger, I recommend one that has a switch for gel batteries as they tend to be more gentle in 'gel' mode, also use the slowest trickle charge option. Also look for the feature 'maintenance mode' or float charging, as these really help the battery.

You just plug in overnight, and can turn off at your leisure with these types, and usually have a light so you know for sure they are ready.

The idea is to reduce the internal gassing of the battery, which in a maintenance free battery, you cant top up the water, so you need to be much more careful.

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Q: How do you charge a maintenance free battery on 2001 limited pt cruiser?
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How do you jump charge a PT Cruiser battery?

PT Cruiser batteries can be jumped with jumper cables. When jumper cables are attached to the battery in the PT Cruiser and are attached to the battery and another car battery, the battery will get charged, after a few minutes.

Are auto batteries maintenance free?

No you sometimes need to charge your battery or get a boost if you battery runs low. Leaving your lights on for instance will totally drain the battery.

How do you charge the battery on a 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser?

hook the cables to the jump start posts, under the hood and plug the charger in.

How do you charge the battery on a diesel PT Cruiser?

I have been told by a dealership that you can charge it by using the 'jump start' point under the bonnet but I have tried that and it doesn't seem to charge the battery. I have ended up having to remove the battery (which is located under the front passenger seat) and bring it indoors to charge it directly- then it takes a charge fine. Just bear in mind that you will have to have the stereo code to input once the battery is hooked up again.

Lights flicker on dashboard and headlights after replacing battery on 2003 pt cruiser what causes this?

it is caused by the alternator voltage regulator switching on and off to charge the battery, this problem is encountered on many makes of car, you may not of noticed it before prior to exchanging the battery.

Do sealed dry charged battery need water?

You answered your own question. Sealed dry or gel type battery need no maintenance other than keeping a full charge on them

Battery draining on lawnmower?

Answer Most of the time the battery is loosing charge on a mower it is bc the battery is going bad. The cells inside are wearing out and not holding a charge. Replace the battery and usually the problem stops. If it is a acid fillable battery then make sure the battery has the proper amount od distilled water and acid in it. Also if it is a serviceable battery then I would replace it with a maintenance free battery anyway. A lot less to mess with. Good luck.

Can you get arrested for soiling yourself in a police cruiser?

Probably not for that particular charge - but if it can reasonably be determined that you PURPOSELY urinated or defecated in the cruiser they might find some appropriate charge for you.

How do you charge dry charge battery?

Unless it is a rechargeable battery you cannot charge a dry charge battery. If it is rechargeable you need to purchase a charger for that size battery. Automobile batteries are not dry charge.

How do you know if maintenance free battery is holding a charge or not?

It will read 12.6 volts - thirty minutes after charging.

Can you charge a battery with heat?

No, it takes electricity to charge a battery.